Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Kinda closing the gate after the bolting here in france, tackling a problem years too late. At least they are calling it what it is, even if it’s stirring a hornets nest.

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God be with the days when the story of a man being decapitated 2 doors over would get more than one (albeit dreadful) reply on here.

Desensitised to say the least.

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Desensitized and an abundance of self censorship.

Perhaps. Either way, quite sad. May that man RIP. A horrible end.

For sure. If you read the bbc report today it nearly happened again to the woman in the church in nice.

Very hard to know what to do.

Multiple attacks in Vienna

This means nothing to me


Very good I was expecting a rapid pun

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Fucking hell

Tnx Merkel


Sky news

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Not worthy even of a mention in the RTE 9oclock News headines. Johnny Depp on the other hand, no problem


Rte don’t report until they have to the pricks, pro EU / merkel/ FG

Stayed five minutes walk from this the last time I was in Vienna. Very sad.

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The last night before Vienna goes into full lockdown

I spent 15 mins following it on Twitter there. Some amount of fake and misleading news out there. Sounds horrific though. Hostage situations being mentioned.