Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

The white lads are always mentally unwell and the Muslims are always terrorists.

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Of course mate. “Lone wolf.” “Crazed gunman.”

It’s all relative, clearly the likes of those white lads who go and target mosques etc are terrorists or they commit prejudiced and discriminate atrocities.

If it’s a muslim chap who goes around shooting up his own then I wouldn’t say he’s a terrorist just mentally unwell and a menace to society.

Was Byrdy a terrorist?

Or Raul Moate?

If they are a lone gunman, then they are a lone gunman. Nothing suggests this was a coordinated attack, it seems that some deeply unhappy weirdo had enough of society and wanted to take his disillusionment out on it.

You are completely missing the point. It’s how the media has decided to label these things that is the problem, not some wierdo from Tyrone roleplaying as an Italian on a GAA forum.

I’m not missing the point. In this case the description is accurate.

He is some oddball, loner who did this by himself because he was deeply unhappy.

His attacks don’t seem to have been racially or politically motivated so the depiction here is bizarre. It might be accurate elsewhere but there’s nothing to suggest that narrative is in anyway appropriate now.


You’re talking to a white rapper who promotes gangsta rap which glorifies mindless violence and degrades women, a proponent of gang culture responsible for the murder of thousands of young men every year in the US.

He’ll pop a glock in yo whigga ass if you’re not careful.

cc @Thomas_Brady

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This thread has gone exactly as you’d expect.

With lads interjecting with clichéd, caricatured white man hot takes that deliberately miss the point, in order to deflect away from the industrial strength barrage of hate coming from the international right wing, both politics and media, both mainstream and “alternative”.

So we now have a lad trying to categorise an attack as racist when it clearly isn’t and for what purpose?

Stoking racial tensions?
Polarising society on grounds of race even further?

What is the motivations for anyone to try and play the racist card here? That type of mindset is very damaging for a harmonious and peaceful society where people can be tolerant to others and not see the world through lines divided by race.

You vomiting “right wing” ad nauseam?


It really hurts you when I correctly apportion blame for the spread of the toxic ideas which led to the Plymouth perpetrator doing what he did to the barrage of hatred coming from the international right wing, doesn’t it?

And thus you reply to try to both deny their responsibility for the spread of these hateful ideas and to protect them from criticism.

He should look up the traits and hallmarks of right wing identity politics because he ticks more boxes here on them than most other posters do collectively.

OK Jake.

Almost as caricatured as @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy.

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You could draw parallels to the type of lad who has a meltdown on an internet forum, gets banned, tries to shut the forum down, sets up fake twitter accounts of posters trying to imitate them, doxxes the identities of other posters on them and then tries to report others to their employers and the type of lad who goes on a gun rampage because they are dissatisfied with their lives.

Lets hope gun license controls in the 26 are very stringent.


Fluvio meltdown incoming.

The similarities between him and the incel gunman from Plymouth are very unsettling indeed.

There’s a Trump supporter in a pick up truck near the Capitol building claiming he has a bomb. He even live streamed some of it on Facebook. Clearly a very clever individual.

Auckland under attack. Fear not, Queen Jessica has pumped the perp full of lead.

Zero Covid - Zero terrorism!

Gunned down within a minute of the rampage starting. They’ve mugged the terrorist off big time there.