Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Jacinta was tracking him herself:

The prime minister said she was aware of the man prior to Friday’s attack, and he had been under surveillance for some time.

“By the time he entered the supermarket, he was being watched and followed. The police were with him at the time this happened – that level of surveillance was being provided because of the concerns that we had,” Ardern said.

Trump to blame again I take it?

Just the 6 he stabbed then whilst under intense surveillance, another great job Jacinta :+1:


Incredible! Amazing what Jessica’s intelligence team has done here when you consider the inept response to the London Bridge attacks. BANG BANG!

Sure everyone in NZ knows everyone

You couldn’t make it up, and she there clapping herself on the back for the great job they did in stopping this known terrorist who was about to strike with just the six victims in a minute.


Jacinda has the usual suspects here hopping like popcorn.

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Sure what could they do? You can’t just deny a citizen their freedom arbitrarily…


I hope MI5 request the NZ counter terrorism handbook. They’ve been shown up as real dummies here.

If only there was an app

If he was a suspected covid case they’d have shot him dead when he left the house.


Thankfully he was only a terrorist

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Footage of the security detail at work inside Countdown New Lynn has emerged:

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He died doing what he loved


Disney will do anything to promote their new shows

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Wouldn’t be a million miles from Utøya where that Brevik fella went on his rampage.

Nothing here on the bomb in Liverpool? Who was behind it?

Early gist seemed to be that it was intended as a Remembrance Day special. A maternity hospital :man_shrugging:t2:


The maternity hospital is near the cathedral where the commemoration was being held. The taxi was diverted there by road closures for the event.