Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

The driver was directly in front of it and was haunted to get out of it with his life.

A pretty shit bomb to be fair.

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You’d have to say he has some soul searching to do after that effort alright.

What kind of a bomb was it, a stink bomb ?

A middle eastern relgious zealot…christian

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Whatever happened to proper terrorism?

The bit where he complains about rigged elections is grimly funny given that he was the beneficiary of at least one and probably two stolen elections.


Danish police said several people had been hit by gunshots at a shopping centre in the capital Copenhagen today.

Copenhagen police tweeted that officers had been sent to the shopping centre after reports of a shooting. They advised people inside the centre to stay put and await police assistance.

More to follow.

I’m afraid this does not sound good for Mr. Rushdie. The balance of probabilities to be read from various online messages makes it seem more like a stabbing than a punching.

RTÉ are reporting it as a stabbing anyway.

Any reason he was attacked?

Yeah it was fairly obvious from very early it was a stabbing. The place it happened, Chautauqua, is up in the corner of New York state towards Pennsylvannia and Ohio, near Lake Erie. A very out of the way place. Seemed to be a summer school type event. These mentallers really do pick their spots.

Rushdie was treated on stage after yer man was restrained and has been flown to hospital in an emergency medical helicopter.

There is a picture of the suspect being lagged into a squad car and he looks exactly as you would imagine him to look like.

This seems like a very serious situation and I fear it will not end well.

It sure is

This is not good news for Salman Rushdie. However, if he survives at all and can have some from of meaningful future life it would be excellent news for him in relative terms.

His attacker will not see the light of day ever again.