Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Saldmons a decent auld skin,he’s a regular on Real Time, hopefully he’s ok

Salman is a big Tottenham fan. Johnny Watterson writes about it in his piece in the Paper of Record today.

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Looks like something is kicking off in Nottingham

N’ham Big student town and 4am of a Monday night/Tue morning you’d think it most likely students boozing that are on thr.streets if anyone

Specifically going after the youth and young is a nasty twist if does turn out to be that targeted. Manchester concert, french playground, university town.

Speculation of course but pretty fucking twisted on already twisted logic

3 dead

Jesus if you search Nottingham on twitter it’s incredibly grim.

Some idiots claiming false victimhood when the police included a stock photo of a white arm in handcuffs in the announcement of an arrest of a man in connection with the attack (the perpetrator was black, allegedly).

On the face of it this looks like a modern day type terrorist attack*.

*Some nutjob deciding to stab innocent people randomly on the street and then plough into more innocent people in a van as he was being chased by cops.

Heartbreaking. A parents worst nightmare.

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This is a very strange case.

No word yet as to the motive or the name of the fella arrested.

EDIT: I just saw there that the Guardian are reporting that the mental health of the suspect is a strong line of enquiry.

That would be the case terrorist or not.

Seems more a case of a psychotic break than anything else

gas pipeline sabotaged

I wonder who could have done that

100% it was Russia

The Russians and the Finns have some history, he said understating it massively.


Either russia or trump, or maybe they were in it together