Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

There has been huge activity here around the warehouse - Camera shoots to three lads with hands in pockets having a right good laugh :smiley:

What we’ve learned here, in addition to some facts about Greenland, is that @Julio Geordio is without question the forums official expert on all hostage/terrorist related incidents.

He really comes into his own and flourishes in these situations. :clap:

The Frech interior decorator is getting involved

interesting…that paints a totally different picture…

[QUOTE=“Tess Tickle, post: 1069951, member: 2269”]What we’ve learned here, in addition to some facts about Greenland, is that @Julio Geordio is without question the forums official expert on all hostage/terrorist related incidents.

He really comes into his own and flourishes in these situations. :clap:[/QUOTE]

Our own little Angel of Death.

Remember there was three lads involved in the shooting first day? What happened the other fella? Is he the lad in the shop

@Julio Geordio #justspeculation

“Suggestions” that there COULD already be fatalities at the the hostage situation in Paris.

Reports of two deaths at what I will now be reffering to as hostage situation B or HB for short.

It is not clear if they are murders similar to the ones in the original attack, or if they are closer to the fictional murders that happened this morning.

Fuck me it’s hard listen to these live news outlets for long though, i have to switch off usually after 15-20mins and could go back 2-3hrs later and repeat the process. I don’t know how ye can sit listening to all the waffle and idle speculation on sky news. It’s like you’re stuck in a tumble dryer with them just going round and round and round.

Are you sitting down at your desk at work watching the sky news stream with ear plugs in your ears? Are you even letting on to be working there? Or does work stop in your place for developing hostage situations and ye all huddle around a tv, with the phones ringing out and going to answering machine in the background. :smiley:

Part of the job involves following what goes on. We threw on Sky News for a while but had to turn it off eventually.

We’re up next, lads.

[QUOTE=“Horsebox, post: 1069979, member: 1537”]http://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/us-use-of-shannon-airport-makes-ireland-a-target-anjem-choudary-1.2060258
We’re up next, lads.[/QUOTE]

They’ll all go running to Gerry and co then. Sinn Fein’s solidarity with the Palestinian people is about all that’s protecting us from being wiped out.

Are you a stockbroker or something.

Reports of a third INCIDENT taking place according to the mirror. No clarification of what incident means.

They are looking for two people in relation to the shooting that has led to HB.

The number of unconfirmed hostages in HB has risen from 5 to 6. @Julio Geordio has speculated that there could be unconfirmed reports of anywhere up to 15 before long. #sheepforlamb

It’s merely speculation at this stage.

Isn’t it always?

I thought you had that whiff of wanker alright.


Success can smell like that to the unsuccessful