Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Finland are in NATO……
If established it was Russia then we can expect counter measures.

Fossil fuels may end the world alright but not how we imagined.

No, the CIA

Hamas are calling for a day of terror Friday too.

I’d hate to work in a crowded public building for that

Finland with their first opportunity to enact article 5.

This is an excellent stress test to see what NATO’s appetite for protecting it’s newest member.

Was the nord stream sabotage an attack on Germany?

I hope ye all still have yer iodine tablets the Government posted to every home bqck in 2001

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I crushed mine up and snorted it. I’ve felt electric since. The neighbor anal boofed theirs, to no effect. Choose administration method wisely.


You fucking stook, Joe Rogan told the boys to shove them up their holes chased by horse tranquilliser

By a fellow NATO member

When was the last time the world was in such a mess war wise? 20 years ago?

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Horse tranquiliser, what a ridiculous drug. I probably did about ten sessions on it back in the hazy days. I really can’t fathom how anyone enjoys the experience. It’s a mess of a shitshow.

It’s never ever been this bad. Ever.

Or an airport

I’d say the Cambodian and Rwandan genocides were the worst things to happen in my lifetime.


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Tyrone winning* an all Ireland was horrific

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That was bad too

This is absolutely nuts. It’s a fucking tiny area too they are fighting over.

Usually there’s some sort of natural resources involved. There’s absolutely nothing to be gained from what I can see by anybody.

The chinese will hit Taiwan soon, the Yanks are taking their eye off the ball

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Nothing the neocons love more than a good war, but Ukraine, israel and china all at once might be too much of a good thing