Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

I was distraught the day Bruce Jenner got the equipment lobbed off. I’ll never be right.

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Reports of an active shooter situation in Brussels. Two swedish nationals dead.

these show the perpetrator shooting people - don’t click in if don’t want to see that

That looks like he was looking for those 2 people.Doesnt look random.


Both Swedish soccer fans I read on twitter

Perhaps the gang violence in Sweden went abroad for a long weekend? Seems very targeted

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Why stop the match?

It’s on in Brussels and the shooter is still on the loose. Swedish players refused to come out for 2nd half


Stadium probably the safest place to be

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Probably not in the best frame of mind to kick a ball around the pitch hearing two country men have been shot dead in a terror attack

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Crazy times


I suppose from a distance you become a bit detatched from the reality of these things. Brussels a hotbed of islamic extremism too.

Yeah sure the last time ISIS lads went after a stadium in a European capital it all ended without incident

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They can’t let all fans out of stadium if there is some trigger happy mad man on the loose

They’re holding them all in the stadium apparently

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It was two Swedish fans shot desd going to the game

The crazy bastard could be in there. What a horrible place to be right now. Imagine being there with your kids. The players probably have family there. Jesus you’d be in ribbons

This is end of days stuff