Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

It looks like a lone wolf attack but they canā€™t assume thereā€™s not a series of coordinated attacks planned. Itā€™s a horrible thing to even think about being stuck in the stadium wondering how to get out and get a safe passage home.

Fuckin hell, this is mad. Your man is just scooting around Brussels looking for targets. First clip shows him with the gun out

Apparently another couple of people shot and up to 5 dead. Unclear if itā€™s the same lad or another fella. Iā€™m shutting Twitter down for the night for the good of my own health

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The Belgians need to send in their SAS and take the bastard down

Donā€™t think a lad arriving to the turnstile with an orange high viz and beard down to his nutsack brandishing a gun would go unnoticed

There could be a lad in there who worked there and hid something during the week or anything. Weā€™re in bad times here that will get worse in the coming weeks. Thereā€™ll be serious riots in belgium tonight Iā€™d imagine

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Youā€™d never leave the bed if you were starting to think like that

Fuckin hell


But but but but multiculturalism worksā€¦ā€¦.!

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Iā€™ve been there a couple of times and it has an enormous Islamic population / districts - very dangerous place you can feel the hostility there at times. I was there one time and there was some sort of march on for the Islamistā€™s and there were those Isis flags.


Wonder were the perpetrator was from


From outside Prague.

"The police say the gunman was a 24-year-old from a village 21km (13m) outside Prague.

Police also say the suspectā€™s father was found dead earlier today."

Seems he was a student in the college.

So the sweep sweep begins

Few lads on twitter raging it wasnā€™t a foreigner. They were calling for banning all Muslims when it first broke.

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Well, I suppose itā€™ll all be ā€˜foreignersā€™ to the TFK Awkward Squad, so theyā€™ll be calling on a ban on Czechs coming to Ireland next.


We need strict Czechs

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So it was an outsider.

Prague needs to have a wall built around it. You simply canā€™t have people coming in from 13 miles away, theyā€™re all liable to shoot up the place.