Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Islamic State attacking Moscow - something doesn’t seem to add up here

Putin helped Assad in fighting ISIS in Syria plus the Muslim regions that want to break away from russia. Makes sense alright


Ewan has got to the bottom of this

Putin’s people were too busy killing innocent civilians in another country to protect innocent people from his own country being killed.

They’re saying 115 dead now

So apparently the lads who did it were intercepted on the way back to the Ukraine. The usual Jihadi way would be for them to blow themselves to bits as part of taking everyone else out yet all 4 lads were in a car speeding towards the Ukraine border. I smell a rat somewhere in the story

@carryharry could you confirm the legitimacy of this video?

Are you saying you don’t trust Russian reports on Twitter?

I do when it suits me


The CIA knew about this 3 weeks ago

They hardly organized it it just 3 weeks. I’d say at least a year.

The had hard Intel on who exactly the perps were and what they would do, and when. Sunni Muslims, Putin is trying to it pin on the Ukraine for obvious reasons


It’s pretty mental ISIS are struggling to have people believe it was them.

FFS, the Russian[quote=“TreatyStones, post:8302, topic:19924, full:true”]
It’s pretty mental ISIS are struggling to have people believe it was them.

The Russian troll farms working overtime

When you’re explaining you’re…

They seem to have a few suspects caught anyway. No fucking around there.



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