Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

I wouldn’t be surprised if the yanks were supplying funding and info to the tajiks involved.

Create a majority muslim ex soviet state sized problem for Putin to add to his daily briefings.

I’m glad you’re finally seeing the light

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Wouldn’t be surprised is different from an unsubstantiated certainty.

It stinks

Putin is meant to be some sort of intelligence legend, but he’s not half shit at it.

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The contingencies for the Paris Olympics opening ceremony may well be needed. One of them involves replacing all athletes with security personnel.

Probably not the right thread but some lad has been detained after stabbing at least 8 people near Liverpool, mostly young girls

Looks to be just one fella according to the reports. At least 8 children stabbed

No information about the attacker yet. Which usually only means one thing…

what does it mean mate?

That they haven’t released any information on the attacker yet


It means that the headbangers have to keep their fingers crossed for a while longer

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That the attacker is probably either an immigrant or from an immigrant background, likely from the Middle East or another Islamic country.

That’s also what I would suspect given the nature of the attack and of a few similar incidents in recent years.

Children ran into the street bleeding from knife wounds, says eye-witness
A group of children ran into the street from the nursery bleeding and suffering stab wounds, an eyewitness said.

Bare Varathan, 35, who owns a corner shop on Hart Street, said he was called by a staff member who told him, “Boss, get to the shop!”

He said: “I saw seven to ten kids outside the nursery. They were injured, bleeding. They were in the road, running from the nursery.

“They had been stabbed, here, here, here, everywhere. (Mr Varathan indicated the neck, back and chest area).

“They were all aged about ten. One of them was really seriously injured.

“I hope they will be OK. Only two police jeeps and ambulances arrived, then armed police came and took him out of the nursery.

“Somebody told me he had arrived in a taxi and had a knife.”

It was a Taylor Swift themed yoga meet up for kids. That country is fucked.

regardless, dont they only release names when charged?

I don’t think you can legislate for a random psycho doing that. Could happen anywhere

Thats horrific

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I’ve no idea mate. Names often get released earlier but that could be because the attacker was killed in the process.

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Have you verified this?