Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Absolutely, not. Its on the Internet has to be true

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Youā€™d want to he a little more careful believing things on the internet. Iā€™d be worried for you

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a 17year old (who cant be named) is arrested

Police are not treating it as a terror incident

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My friends two girls go to that kids club. Today was the first day they didnā€™t in weeks. Their mum is fairly shook up over it as you would.


Some lad who just lost the head?

Theyā€™ve just won the fucking lottery there

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Two dead


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Southport would be a fairly affluent area, alot of ex Liverpool players would live there. Shocking bloody stuff.

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Just get lost, you cunt.

Just canā€™t help yourself, ever

Its mental. Kids ffs. I wouldnt have a trial fuck him into the mersey

Windimg up clowns like you is what makes this place great.

Never fails

Of courseā€¦ā€¦

Do the forum a favour and fuck offā€¦.


Take your own advice while you are giving it out.


Yes, Iā€™ll toddle along whenever I pedal lies & bullshit continually.

Have a word there on yer telegram group :+1:

Winding a lad up over the stabbings and deaths of kids? Seriously?


If ever anyone needs to buy a space wagon on a certain budget your expertise might be required there.

Of course.

Your well able get the knickers in a twist if someone says uncalled shit about the Local limerick hurlers. Itā€™s personal thenā€¦ā€¦

Calling out spamming cunts like yourself and blue boy is far from getting any knickers in a twist, back to the Done deal pages with yourself now.

Iā€™ll have to stand corrected on this one.

No need for a riot thankfully.