Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Ethics are often in conflict with bucks, which coincidentally is also a county just outside London.

Charlie Haughy is dead.
Hitler is dead.
Cromwell is dead.

Cop the fuck on. Our obsession with the dead and glorifying them holds no bounds.
What about that poor priest in Offaly, the courts are not doing much for his good name and his inability to talk for himself.

Sweet Jesus I preferred you when you were an obtrusive fuck. The puns have fallen through a hole.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1074709, member: 273”]Charlie Haughy is dead.
Hitler is dead.
Cromwell is dead.

Cop the fuck on. Our obsession with the dead and glorifying them holds no bounds.
What about that poor priest in Offaly, the courts are not doing much for his good name and his inability to talk for himself.[/QUOTE]
Badly rattled. And you’re only up out of the bed. It’s going to be a long day.

I’m so, so surrey.

That’s Notts funny any more Sidney.

The quest for puns can sometimes be Suffolkating. Norfolk off.

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1074625, member: 2272”]Good article in Washington Post

Indeed, if the French want to memorialize those killed at Charlie Hebdo, they could start by rescinding their laws criminalizing speech that insults, defames or incites hatred, discrimination or violence on the basis of religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, disability, sex or sexual orientation. These laws have been used to harass the satirical newspaper and threaten its staff for years. Speech has been conditioned on being used “responsibly” in France, suggesting that it is more of a privilege than a right for those who hold controversial views.[/QUOTE]
That’s an excellent article. The hypocrisy of the west is hilarious.

That’s all you have?
I’m up since 5.30, maybe you need to get up a bit earlier.

What’s your stance here I haven’t really been following the exchanges… Are you saying free speech doesn’t exist in the west or only when it suits an agenda?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1074734, member: 273”]That’s all you have?
I’m up since 5.30, maybe you need to get up a bit earlier.[/QUOTE]
You probably need more sleep kev, you were lashing out against the Western world on the Internet until midnight and here you are up again at 5.30 ready for another day of it.

Good luck Limerick this weekend

It varies a bit from country to country, but I think yes it’s only free speech when it suits the powerful or someone with political agenda.
In France it’s seems only certain people have free speech.
I’m for laws that govern to some degree the incitement of hatred and violence as I believe an evil mind (I’m sure we all do) can be far more dangerous than a few young lads with nothing better to do.
The article from Fintan o Toole on the Saudis was good, and the comment interesting as well. Everyone had good views, but seemed hell bent on blaming all the issues from their view, when in fact it’s a perfect storm if everything; Racism, freedom of speech, unemployment, disaffected youth, money from the extreme Saudis, American interference in Middle East etc etc.

If you wanted to pair it back you could hold the French government directly responsible for those journalists getting shot. They made the laws that antagonized the journo’s, they then hit the easy targets of religion and that antagonized the Islamists.

I sleep in the middle of the day.

Fucking socialist

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1074776, member: 273”]It varies a bit from country to country, but I think yes it’s only free speech when it suits the powerful or someone with political agenda.
In France it’s seems only certain people have free speech.
I’m for laws that govern to some degree the incitement of hatred and violence as I believe an evil mind (I’m sure we all do) can be far more dangerous than a few young lads with nothing better to do.
The article from Fintan o Toole on the Saudis was good, and the comment interesting as well. Everyone had good views, but seemed hell bent on blaming all the issues from their view, when in fact it’s a perfect storm if everything; Racism, freedom of speech, unemployment, disaffected youth, money from the extreme Saudis, American interference in Middle East etc etc.

If you wanted to pair it back you could hold the French government directly responsible for those journalists getting shot. They made the laws that antagonized the journo’s, they then hit the easy targets of religion and that antagonized the Islamists.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough and i’d agree with most of it. There has to be some form of responsibility/accountability for what you say, tho you can’t say much these days without offending someone and their precious beliefs… The bolded bit is important for multi-cultural countries like France/UK - they are ticking time bombs in many respects and governments must be shitting themselves with far right movements on the rise. Free speech is great when we are all generally singing from the same sheet but multi-culturism actually destroys any chance of it- people have to keep their opinions to themselves or be labelled all sorts. Even in the Nordic countries, the most liberal on the planet, there’s all kinds of racial tension festering away.To live in a community/society you have to give up certain freedoms, the more diverse that community the more freedoms you give up.

But youre right in that free speech has nearly always belongs to the powerful- All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

On the cartoonists- Did they not make fun of other religions also over the years? Catholicism has been ripped apart for years now and i don’t see anyone, bar that mad priest from Kerry, carrying out crazy acts in its name. No matter how offended you are, you never, ever have the right to kill someone. I think that’s the first ‘freedom’ you give up when you decide to live in a community.

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1074800, member: 168”]Fair enough and i’d agree with most of it. There has to be some form of responsibility/accountability for what you say, tho you can’t say much these days without offending someone and their precious beliefs… The bolded bit is important for multi-cultural countries like France/UK - they are ticking time bombs in many respects and governments must be shitting themselves with far right movements on the rise. Free speech is great when we are all generally singing from the same sheet but multi-culturism actually destroys any chance of it- people have to keep their opinions to themselves or be labelled all sorts. Even in the Nordic countries, the most liberal on the planet, there’s all kinds of racial tension festering away.To live in a community/society you have to give up certain freedoms, the more diverse that community the more freedoms you give up.

But youre right in that free speech has nearly always belongs to the powerful- All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

On the cartoonists- Did they not make fun of other religions also over the years? Catholicism has been ripped apart for years now and i don’t see anyone, bar that mad priest from Kerry, carrying out crazy acts in its name. No matter how offended you are, you never, ever have the right to kill someone. I think that’s the first ‘freedom’ you give up when you decide to live in a community.[/QUOTE]
Bullet points?

[]Up the ra
]32 county republic
