Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 1074890, member: 332”]

I never mentioned hostages and related in the same post. If you are going to make a lame joke at least get it right.[/QUOTE]
Just because I didn’t quote your earlier post too doran mean my lame joke wasn’t right.

English please mate.


The Jews are all leaving France

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 1074895, member: 332”]http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/11340173/15000-Jews-to-leave-France-for-Israel-Jewish-Agency-says.html

The Jews are all leaving France[/QUOTE]

Is that after @Joe Player’s Limerick and Paris thread?

We released a statement earlier for those interested.

THE Mid West Humanists (MWH) group is calling on voters to contact local TDs to demand a referendum on removing the prohibition of blasphemy from the Irish constitution.
The group, which has members in Limerick, Clare and Tipperary, says it is launching the campaign to support freedom of speech following last week’s murders at the offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Stating they support the right to life of those killed in Paris, the humanists say that this also extends to freedom of speech, and everyone’s right to read any “writing, cartoon or other communication, whether or not it criticises or satirises any idea, whether religious, political, social, sporting, or scientific”.

The group also praised Charlie Hebdo staff “for publishing words and pictures without any respect for the ideas of several religions. In doing their job, they also enable people in Ireland to read things that are prohibited in some countries”.

“Ireland is weak in secularism, as the Constitution since 1937 states that blasphemy is an offence, and in 2009 our legislators continued a law to give effect to that article of the Constitution. Government and other people in Pakistan quote Ireland’s law to say that it is normal, including in Europe, for the law to prohibit criticism of religion,” said an MWH spokesperson.

“In 2013, the Constitutional Convention asked the Government to hold a referendum on the law against blasphemy from the Constitution. The Government promised that it would hold this referendum, but last year they reneged on this”, the spokesperson added.

I didn’t say it wasn’t fair game, and that’s a good point. My point was that it’s treatment was not “equal”, on a number of levels.[/QUOTE]
If Muslims decide to take to take offence more than other religions do, well that’s all the more reason to increase the lampooning of their utterly ridiculous belief system.

He’ll never get it, mate- He’s too busy fighting the good fight for the down-trodden everywhere.


Because the mere fact that they get so offended shows just what a ridiculous belief system it is.

says the giy who gets offended when a few home truths were pointed out to him about a certain gga journalist and a little girl, the guy who goes nuts when someone dares to say LFC fans wernt faultless at Hillsborough and the guy who went absolutely nuts when I requested to use Sid Waddell as my username

Fucking hell that’s a clamping.

When I set up The Selfish Giant as yet another of my alter egos I didn’t give him the licence to speak back to me in such a tone.


excellent exchanges here between @Sidney[/USER] and [USER=80]@The Selfish Giant :clap:
@glasagusban is sitting there in the middle his head looking left and right gawking on like a simpleton

Cameron and Obama about to hold a joint press conference at the White House live at any moment, CNN are ready and waiting. I presume it’s something to do with the towel-heads.

Obama just called Cameron his “bro”. :confused:

Saudi police beheaded a female prisoner today… These fucks deserve all the abuse they get… Glas will be along in a minute to defend the police and criticise the harsh working conditions these police work under.

And there’s a blogger there got 10 years and 1000 lashes for questioning the religious leadership. He’s getting the lashes in installments of 50 for 20 weeks. And those cunts are funding the madrassas radicalising goms and funding a lot of the terrorists.

They won’t get abuse while they are being backed by the US pal. They have the worst human rights in the Middle East and make Iran look secular in comparison.

[ATTACH=full]2207[/ATTACH] You’ve got a friend