Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Jog on you fool.

They are amongst us. They are on the south circular road ffs

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I wonder will he bring the pistol he had to use in desert storm, just in case. :wink:


Like father like daughter.

Heroic in traveling to Muslim terror locations such as Iraq and Paris.

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Two right fucking stupid cunts. Wallace and Daly. It’s at times like this that you get the true measure of people’s character.

Was Geraldo involved in the 1991 Gulf War too? I thought it was just the 2003 one, Desert something or other.

But what a hero, either way.

Sky telling us now they believe there are many survivors at the at least 1,200-capacity Bataclan theatre.

Superb maths.

Mate of mine working in Limerick city told me lately that loads of former Al Qaeda ‘personnel’ are now re-located and living in Limerick. He’d have some few tentacles but i wouldn’t call them “far-reaching” tentacles. I took it with a pinch of salt but he wouldn’t be the type to go around roaring this from the rooftops or blowing smoke up my arse. I know there is a load of these blow-ins around the train station area.

Is your mate Kev?

Sounds like something Kev would say doesn’t it but i’m 95% sure he is not Kev.

4 French police killed in the storming of the Bataclan. AFP reporting the islamists activated explosive belts.

If those Islamist scumbags think they’re going to stop Irish people from going to France next summer, they’re wrong.

We’re not afraid. Bombing and shooting innocent people dead is in our blood.

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I hope Le Dunph is OK

Former Cork native Michel Houellebecq has a lot to answer for

You’re one stupid cunt.


You’re a fucking moron.


Not sure why people automatically assume this is ISIS. Without the evidence yet i would be more inclined to think these lads will most likely be French or have french family and wpuld pass thru undetected pretty easily.

They can still be members of ISIS regardless of nationality.

I agree though, it’s an easy tag to label them with.Sells newspapers. It probably will turn out to be them but no point jumping to conclusions.

Muslim terrorists pal.

Syrians likely involved.

On RTÉ there they were saying/implying there was one gunman in the concert hall. Surely not?