Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Ah i know the nationality is irrelevant. What i mean is this could very easily be a disgruntled group of French Muslims. They have huge social and racism issues in France, and many other places as well. Integration has failed on a massive scale.

I personally believe the financial crisis and the failure of capitalism for such a huge majority of the world is adding to the disenchantment amongst young immigrants in places like this. Idle hands and all that. They want to hate someone, the internet helps them find a flag to follow.

Read an interesting stat yesterday, there are 9 times more White supremist terrorist attacks in the US than any other type. I think you will see more and more “ordinary people” terrorism in years to come. I can see it in Ireland. People are extremely angry and the “them and us” gap is increasing. There are more images today of cops beating old people up today in wexford. People have a tipping point. Not in anyway justifying last night, its abhorent. But i can see where it comes from and its not as black and white as many suggest.


Kev, the time for Muslim terrorist apologists is over.

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Should all irish have been wiped out when the IRA were bombing england?

You mean not all Muslims are in ISIS? Someone has been telling the public lies. Next you’ll be saying not all immigrants and refugees are terrorists.



I really need to do a fb cull. Fucking hell there is some tripe been thrown up.

Unbelievable. I think someone on here used the term grief junkies. Best description you can give it. How’s that Sports Psych masters going?

Oh dear

Mari Reynolds ‏@mreyn02 14m14 minutes ago
At Gatwick North Terminal. We were Yards away from Armed Police arresting man with "Gun in bag."Mass evacuation . Lockdown in progress still

That is the scary part. The disillusionment in the banlieues is there for a couple of generations. France as a state is highly secular and active as well in North and Central Africa not just the middle east. ISIS or Al Quaeda or whatever you want to call it is a franchise. The perpetrators here are more than likely French born but no doubt trained elsewhere. Practically impossible to secure an entire country. The UK and France are probably foiling attacks like this ever week that we don’t hear about. Terrorists only have to get lucky once.



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Project x is bingeing on coffee now, he’s been up all night trying to find something linking Eamon o Shea to the Paris attacks.

Ah nowhere near it for now. All education stopped for 12 months minimum to drive on the business.

Grief junkies. Thats fucking brilliant.

Could describe a generation of irish people though. My missus gave a very comedic run down one night of our approach to death and funerals. When we arrived home we had 3 pretty close funerals really quickly. It brought home to me how many “grief junkies” (never could quite find a good name for it) we have. Its clearly been passed on to another generation but it just is manifesting itself in a different way.

Deal with the point, mate. Bombing and shooting innocent people is in Irish people’s blood.

Certainly, it’s in yours.

its your shit jokes which are idiotic


Bang on the money.

They will get criticized, but as you say they are probably saving people morning noon and night.

Fucking awful.

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Your first mistake is that you are comparing the motivations of Muslim’s and Christians. You need to educate yourself a little first.

Anyway, this will halt a lot of the liberal craziness with respect to importing more Muslim terrorists.

But you’re a terrorist supporter, mate. You’re the one who’s made more idiotic jokes about terrorist attacks than anyone.

Now you’re getting all offended when I make a comment which clearly makes you feel uncomfortable in your hypocrisy.

one thing that needs to be done is the fuckin americans and turks stop acting the cunt in syria and they should alll unite to blow the fuck out of isis

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@The_Selfish_Giant has a messed up outlook.

I hope one day to see you condem terror attacks from these Muslims.

nope, its your constant inane quips from the get go when this was unfolding which is annoying