Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

I hate Bono, U2 and everything associated with those edgy cunts.

Ye got it right with the Brazilians in Gort to be fair to you @maroonandwhite

I’ve seen a few posts to the tune of something like “don’t blame immigrants, this is who they wee trying to escape from”

Well then they shouldn’t have been so fucking careless and been followed putting us all at risk

You’re right above pal, but last nights attacks were carried out more then likely by 3rd generation North African immigrants. What Merkel is drum beating for at the moment won’t affect us for another few years yet.

And that’s stupid. It means they can’t keep track of social problems and trends affecting minorities and can’t address them in a meaningful way. It’s basically putting their fingers in their ears and whistling away while problems fester.

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Fundamentalists don’t integrate. Insightful.


Well done pal. So what do you suggest be done with the Muslims in France and other European countries who wish to live to the tenets of their religion.

He probably thinks that if everyone holds hands and sings imagine, everything will be ok.


That makes sense (from a strategy point of view), I was thinking the nature/timing of the bombs around the stadium seemed odd.

You’ll be safe enough in Poland Balbec.

No need to press the self destruct button yet.

Ah in Glas’s happy-clappy inclusive utopian society, no-one would continue to be a cunt

You’re making a stupid mistake. France hasn’t integrated immigrants well, this is well documented. Just because there are a few fundamelists you think this means the rest can’t be integrated or don’t want to be. That’s pretty poor reasoning.


Have you put the French flag over your profile pic yet mate. Need to do everything we can to show solidarity #prayforparis

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He has. Was one of the first on my timeline to do it.

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@Glasagusban has a point here Julio to be fair to him.

I can’t see that plan going wrong at all.

You clearly know your history.

Largely agree except on integration. It worked for older generations but not in modern times. Something wrong there.

France has issues but also has a huge immigrant population, the majority of whom are hugely successful, and certainly enjoy better lives than they did in their home countries. Because if they didn’t, many would have returned there. This isn’t an era of months long travel by sea. But yet again it’s all the French governments fault in your eyes, you must really be conflicted by this, as you only see the world as black and white, with the white being western imperialist who are always wrong and at fault, the rest while wrong at times, always have justification for their wrongdoings because of western policy throughout history. It’s simplistic but let’s you take your perceived moral high ground on all issues, which is all you really want, you offer no solutions, bar, the west must do more

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Volume. They say it takes three generations to fully integrate. But if you are in your own pocket not interacting with the rest you’ll never integrate. You can’t do that if there isn’t that many of you but if you are a large % of the population you can go to school with your own, work with your own, shop with your own, play soccer with your own etc. not only that but in your pocket you develop a them against us thing that you can’t if you are actually interacting with say in this instance actual French people. Because like all these things when you actually interact with each other you always find common ground.

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