Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Genuine migrants or refugees? Eithwr way it doesnt cure the root cause. Im sure 99 per cent of french isis recruits grew up in decent homes often the children of genuine migrants who were delighted to move to france. Its the second generation, the disaffected youth (that term again) where the problem lies. Didnt an islamic figure in dublin come out recently and state the teachings in mosques in ireland have to be monitored, that some clerics are attempting to radicalise. This has to be nipped in the bud, deport, jail for incitement to hatred or whatever. Im sure decent muslims are appalled by it. But western governments are too afraid of being labelled racists to do the necessary checks, ones that even the muslim community is crying out for.

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The French aren’t known as cunts in popular culture for no reason.

Not a nice thing to say, after last nights atrocities but there is truth in it.

You are some man for ducking the question you were asked pal. You never addressed Merkels open door policy whatsoever, and just went off talking about Western governments being afraid.

What? What was the question?

I didn’t make it up. You wrote it. You said something has to be done with Muslims in Europe who wish to live to the tenets of their religion. Why I don’t know.

There it is there for you. Again.

Should we round up all the Muslims in Europe and put them in camps? Ended well the last time we did it in Europe you reckon?

Graham Dwyer and the likes is it? Who’d take him though? The Americans maybe?

Ah brilliant the king of the shriekers has lost the argument by calling me a nazi. I clearly meant the extremists as is clear from my other posts but youve ignored this, ignored offering any solutions and are holding on to this misinterpretation for deal life. You are a child, your posts on a variety of issues have shown a shocking naivety on all matters.

we have trouble we don’t need more your rifgt

Fuck sake, did that gimp just invoke Godwins Law?

You’re the one that said something has to be done with Muslims that live by the tenets of their religion. Your words.

Now you’ve resorted to name calling.

You’re on fire mate.

What do you suggest be done with the Muslims living in Europe “who wish to live to the tenets of their religion”?

Given that you’ve been less than clear on what you mean by this phrase.

He wants me to suggest something for him mate. I don’t know why. Muslims that live by the tenets of their religion are all sound.

Simon Coveney on now.

Can’t believe he shows his face considering the enormous miscalculation he has made with respect to trafficking potential Muslim terrorists into Europe.

I disagree. But then I disagree with that statement as applied to any other religion.

I of course meant the extremist literal interpretation of the religion. Not compatible with western society.

Good point.

Of course you did. But what you said was all muslims that wish to live by the tenets of their religion. Funny that. The wording was so specific yet what you meant was actually the opposite.

So still no suggestions from you. Your so quick to call me a nazi you sad cunt when the truth is if all of us and tfk existed in the 1930s youd be on here saying germany going into the rhineland or sudetenland was reasonable after versailles. What did the western powers expect etc. You do realise your just an appeaser, you seem to have no concept that there are evil or warped people in the world, outside of whitey of course

Oh so what i say i meant, isnt what i meant, you not me, really know what my argument was. You are some shrieking child. Final chance to give a solution to muslim extremism, can you be an adult??

I wouldn’t suggest we need to do anything with all the Muslims in Europe who wish to live by the tenets of their religion.