Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Only one of us sounds hysterical here.

You’ve already admitted this to be a tiny minority.

An extremist, literal interpretation of any religion is not compatible with modern western society.

So, basically, the vast, vast majority of Muslims living in Europe are compatible with modern western society, given that they don’t subscribe to an extremist, literal interpretation of Islam.

Which brings us back to discrimination and alienation - in other words, the main push factors towards a mindset which considers this type of extremist ideology and/or terrorist act an option.

Making people feel they have a genuine stake in the society in which they live drastically reduces the factors which push people to commit these acts. This is true of anywhere in the world.

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guys, 3 of the terrorists are from Belgium? please critique that county as no evidence has come forward as yet to suggest there was any French people involved


I’m going to jump in here and say that we should adapt the Australian model, I’ve mentioned it above already and before anyone else jumps in I’m well aware @Chucks_Nwoko got through the net down there, but it would be a far better model then the current, ah shure all of these migrants are a great bunch of lads etc…

Let’s send shoeboxes full of clothes to Calais, fuck that. Send them home if they don’t want to become western people.

It didn’t take the lads on Prime time long to make this tragedy about themselves

Yes, you gab.

Yourself and Simon Coveney would get on well. No risk to us, shur let millions of Muslims into Europe and what can go wrong.

That policy has failed, we wish you would get rid of your misguided P.C blinkers.

Just great debating skills here pal

:eek: Hazard used to terrorise EPL defences until Mourinho integrated him.

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Glas? Turns out it wasnt that terrible french government after all! But a warped minority. Oops.

Just got the end of the Miriam thing on TV there, she asked Coveney about what we do next, and coveney said “we have 500 peace keeping troops on duty around the world tonight with a “number of them in Syria in the occupied Golan Heights”, I guess he won’t be welcome in Israel anytime soon

Proportionally there are more Belgian towel heads fighting for Daesh in Syria than from other Western country.

nuke belgium


What way is public opinion in the east pal?

What about your chocolates?

Very much anti immigrant. Lots of suspicion. Probably a bit complacent thinking that an attack wouldn’t happen here.

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They are right on all three counts I’d imagine.

When I was over in Wroclaw last year you could tell that mass migration of immigrants in there from the middle east wasn’t going to happen.

A very traditional and proud culture is still held dear to them. Very proud of there nationality as well, and kudos to them for it.

they are backward squarehead cunts about 50 years behind the west in terms of development


I’m directly quoting you. You’re name calling.

They’re not pal.