Test Match Cricket

Looks like Boris Johnson is fucked so

Looks that way, Broady and Overton last lines of defense breached.

102 balls.

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Congratulations on the knighthood @GeoffreyBoycott !

A great honour for the wife beater

A great honor for my namesake for services to cricket and broadcasting.

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And wife beating


Straussy got one as well.

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Ah that’s terrific news. Delighted for Straussy. He’s had a very tough time of it losing his wife to cancer. He’s been doing a lot of campaigning and work for cancer research.

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As opposed to wife beating.

That was a shameful episode in Sir Geoffrey’s life. He’d have got the knighthood that his services to cricket and broadcasting merited at least 15 years ago if it hadn’t occurred.

He’s an absolute prick

Sir Geoff should take anger management lessons from Stan Collymore

the poster here named @GeoffreyBoycott must condone wife beating

I hope Geoff edits his username appropriately to include the Sir?


You mean if we hadn’t found out about it

I haven’t earned a knighthood nomination (yet). It would be premature and presumptuous of me, to include Sir.

Sir women beater

England 89-1 after 27 overs.
