TFK Away Day

I’m 23 FFS not everone around here is a balding middle aged man :unsure: ,17,18 and 19 year olds are all fair game!

Would a name like Malky Macintosh wash with the ‘Gers’ faithful?

Conspiracy theorists?

My link

I shall be “Batshitcrazy”

Rangers forum surely the front runner here.

Imagine starting a thread like:

“I just spotted Pat Fitz coming out of Enzos”.

:lol: :lol:

Laughed my hole off at that

Two accounts a man is the professional approach as well. Can hit them with a second wave if they start banning straight off.

They won’t know what hit them…

Ah yes but Dunph we all know The Limerick Chippers Social Group would be right at home in any of the worlds top forums.

Would it not be better to go into whatever forum a few days beforehand and get a few posts first under your name.

Then on the day BOOM!

Something place like this could work

Absolutely, there is no end to how much of a cunt i can really be. A womens forum would be great craic altogether.

You’d think so but no

I’m with the Galway man on this.

A fair bit of planning is needed, all of us signing up the same day will attract attention. Also make sure its a site that doesn’t much stipulation to joining, and you don’t have to be cleared by anyone.

This isn’t fucking d-day. You log in and bombard the place with shit. And that’s it.

Check this shit out, this is awesome…

I’d say the girls just love you, wham bang thank you mam no doubt. :lol:

A bit of precision wumming is always the one that lasts the longest.

I can sense alot of excitement around here over this,so much so i am willing to bet several forumites have actually wet themselves with anticipation! :smiley:

I should be asleep an hour ago wyt :lol:

If we’re talking about a mass attack, which it appears we are, then ‘precison’ has nothing to do with it. Remember what happened to kkcats and afr a few months ago. That would do nicely.

+1 man! :smiley: I will be attending a wedding myself tomorrow so wont be around but i look forward to all ideas posted here in the meantime.