TFK Away Day

What cheap bastard is getting married on a thursday?

[quote=“Watch The Break, post: 508752”]
If we’re talking about a mass attack, which it appears we are, then ‘precison’ has nothing to do with it. Remember what happened to kkcats and afr a few months ago. That would do nicely.
[/quote]The persons behind those attacks seemed like real pros to me WTB,hopefully this will be at that level.

The mercury tilt switch was a game of fucking tiddlywinks by comparison

We could go all guns blazing into this place:

Missed that, was it top class? Much carnage?

Just stay the fuck away from ie boards if ye know whats good for ye. :smiley:

Oh and…

I know a notoriously cheap cunt from Waterford thats getting married tommorow toes , whats the betting its the same man ?

Maybe if we could get in touch with the perpetrators of those attacks to see if they had any pointers? :ph34r:

I remember there were threads on kkcats demanding all new posters had to give their real name and address after it :lol:

They seemed fairly upset alright

It’s, mate.

We need to find an american christian forum, godbotherers with guns, these are the kind of people we need to upset.

Is there anything to be said for having some fun in real life? A world does exist outside the internet

:smiley: :smiley:

Says the man that posts at all hours from Oz!

If it were still going Bandage, closed that down after the Pat Dolan affair :frowning:

Christian forum:

Aussie Rules forum - good wind up potential as they’re all stupid and if we go in at say 2:30 on a Friday it will be really busy as one of their finls matches will have just finished up.

They’ve a betting forum for the Dunph and all…

This will only work if I’m involved.


What about the ‘DS’ forum

Would want to be better than the recent chase CLD sent us on.