TFK Capitalist Thread

The Joe Rogan Spotify hot takes haven’t considered that tech stocks in general have been routed this year. Cathie Wood fans have gone fairly quiet.

That’s two fangs getting taken down. Amazon and Google surely safe enough…

timber GIF

The bounce has already started. Gap up after AMZN earnings after hours. We’ll go 5% green tomorrow once the awful jobs numbers are released. Macro bad news = good news.

Amazon and Google were decent so it might be more localised selling.

For me Tesla remains as the poster boy for over priced shit. But I’ve been saying that for 5 years plus now so fuck do I know.

You’ll always find out who is swimming naked eventually. But it’s a fools game trying to get ahead of it.

I wouldn’t like to be in anything without a decent price to earnings ratio though

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They’re usually outsourced in fairness.

Facebook, Google etc fund those “factcheckers” then or are their main investors.

cc @Thomas_Brady - you need to get out of those penny stocks pronto

I got the local credit union annual booklet there the other day. Runs through the accounts for the year. My local CU, in a rural Co Cork area… The members have 57 million (yes fifty seven million) of savings in deposit with the credit union

Now when you think that anyone with a screed of sense wouldn’t keep much savings in the CU anyway due to non existent interest rate its even more impressive… The country is awash with money

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A lot of CUs have had to cap members savings at €100k or €50k because they’ve nothing to do with the money. No one wants loans and the banks don’t want it off them either and bonds return nothing. There’s way too much cash floating around

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You think house, land, goods and service prices are bad now, just wait.
The public sector unions will start agitating again soon enough as they back their workers who feel the squeeze.
The SSIA’s will return, as will buying half of Hungary.


Is there any good savings products out there at the moment?

Have you considered property in Cape Verde?


Unless you are willing to take a risk and drip feed your cash into an investment fund then no.

15k cap for new members in this one

How are they going to get this money out into the economy without it fuelling the housing market as always?
Cars are the only other answer I can see tbh.

We need to qualify for the World Cup


Joxter taking the G Wagon.

Hot tubs

Don’t forget the decking

It’s hard to blame people so, in particular older people, I also believe they are looking at bringing in account charges similar to to banks.

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