TFK Capitalist Thread

Composite decking.

€30k on average.

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Cars cant be had at the moment… Fuck all 2nd hand around and massive waiting times for new ones

Exorbitantly priced staycations? A month in a connemara cottage in March just 250e a night. All the mist you can absorb.

@Spidey is your man for those. Or Mrs @Spidey

That’s exactly what will happen. A weak unpopular government grappling with inflation trying to fend off populist opposition will back up the brinks truck for Sean the Guard and Mary the nurse and it’s Bertie 2.0.

Tradesmen throwing in spare cash from cash only jobs. Under the wife, son, daughter. Nowhere else they could put it other than under the mattress. Only over the last few years have they started to insist on PRSI numbers for new and old accounts. Plenty of dormant cash lying in there.

There’s deals to be had in Ukraine.

We are about to experience a bear market. How many here have been through one?
I’m guessing no one.

You think no one was around in 08?


I think @Tierneevin1979 may have been at the liquor last night going by his contributions…

Dow futures down close to 800.

Inflation could hit 23 per cent in UK this year according to Gove.

Buy Platinum :sunglasses:

Boris will soon massage that figure down. It’ll end up presented as a 23% rise in employment and fall in number of fOreeners taking are joBs

Can someone like @Julio_Geordio or @gilgamboa or someone else that knows investments answer this for me in as few words as possible please. I have £5k sitting in a UK bank account that I’ve now decided that I don’t want to leave there idle while inflation eats away at it and anyway I haven’t touched it in five years so I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s foolish to let it rot away there. I’ve identified one well established business that I’d like to invest maybe £3k or so in by buying shares with a long term view of leaving the investment for 20-30yrs. What I’m asking is where best do I go to make this investment? Would it be somewhere like davys or goodbodys?

Broadening it out then if anyone thinks a certain company is a good investment in the long term (20+ years) feel free to talk about it here so everyone can see and contribute to the suggestion.

By the way before anyone says to just put it into my pension I’m already maxing out my pension contributions each year.

Follow your own lead and go first given you seem to have one in hand yourself!

I’ve identified one well established business that I’d like to invest maybe £3k or so in by buying shares with a long term view of leaving the investment for 20-30yrs.

Open an account with de giro easiest and cheapest way to buy shares



Davys or whoever will fleece you

Agreed. I’ve used them for a while and found it to be great. Fees are minimal.

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Yeah de giro is a brilliant service. Never had an issue with them