TFK Capitalist Thread

Without disclosing too much, they were on a big recruitment drive, brought in numbers but have seemingly not activated agreements post-probation

This is probably the big one on inflation. We are where we are with energy and the Russians. I’m sure they’ll do their best to screw with this supply for shits and giggles where they can even once this is signed.

There seems to my uncultivated eye to be an awful lot of “tech” companies about that just take money off junior C venture capitalists who’ve been given a few quid to play with and have no experience.
An oul office then in some place with lots of coffee shops and a brewery, with a pool table and a dart board.
There’s one of my bessiers working for one. It has made no money, exists entirely on investment money, and he travels first class.

  • come up with half baked idea
  • raise funding
  • drink coffee & play pool
  • raise more funding
  • update linkedin picture to you speaking at a conference
  • profit

M&A activity seems to be off the charts.
Every IT company I deal with is either being bought or buying other companies.
A senior CF guy I was speaking with said the US funds had massive amounts of money to spend from Covid and a lot of them were in use or lose it type arrangements, so they are paying massive multiples to get deals done.


It’s all mad.


Spotted that the guys in Unity have been bought out. Big pay day.

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I’m no whizz on the finance of these things, but I’ve been told the theory, is you buy a biggish company, then you increase turnover through acquisitions and then flip the company again. The lads in Action Point got a similar payout I believe.

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The service from most IT vendors over the past 2/3 years has been pretty terrible. It ain’t going to get any better

Buy over priced companies, using your overpriced shares, pretend money

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Stick em together and sell on.

It’s all a big pyramid scheme.

Accountancy, vets, dentists, insurance brokers.

It’s happening everywhere.


If you can buy a company (say insurance brokers or private small IT company) for something like 5 times earnings then bundle them all together into a more stable and public company which is valued at say 8 times earnings then you’ve created a financial gain without improving the underlying companies at all

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Was actually talking about them this weekend with friends as a few of them were in college with us. I believe you are correct.

GDPR and the HSE hack was like a license to print money for these cunts.


They get less than you’d think. You wouldn’t retire on it.

Were Cognizant always present in Ireland? They appear to be replacing Tata in some companies now. A race to the bottom in terms of IT Service providers at the moment

Bear market over according to the Irish Times this morning.

Where will we buy our bears now? Fucking Green party again

We need a Bear tax!

Let the Bears pay the bear tax