TFK Capitalist Thread

What’s shorts covering mean mate?

Putting on a pair of pants

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They are buying back the share to close out their open position.

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Is this just profit taking or what?

Yes, they are closing their positions and taking the profit but it means there is no rally in the stock market. If it drops again, who knows where the floor is.

Another Tech company making significant lay offs


Those IT companies are gas. Probably losing money hand over fist.

My sauces (legit this time) tell me that the volume of sea freight coming from the Far East has greatly reduced and container prices are back to near enough pre
Pandemic levels.

The punters have stopped buying stuff.

It’s always good to ketchup on global finance


In its most recent fiscal quarter (Q2), Twilio — while exceeding Wall Street’s expectations — reported a loss of $322.8 million on $943.4 million in revenue.

The way some of these companies operate the more revenue they make the more money they lose.
Get the customers at all cost and hope you can corner enough of the market to increase prices, or that someone buys you for some reason

Heard that up to 20% of Galway based staff of Rent The Runway got their notice on Monday.
The business case was always suspect in my opinion and the share price trajectory is more or less confirming that.

Dublin airport could have saved a fortune

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405m fine for Instagram going to Irish exchequer.

Whatever happened with the apple tax windfall?

Still working it’s way through the courts. Ireland and Apple ‘won’ the first case but the EU have appealed the decision.

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Credit Suisse and Deutche Bank about to fall, per source

Is it time for me to put my pension into cash yet?

Cash it in and buy 20 weanlins in Ennis next Thursday


The mood music from all around does not bode well

The Fed, which slashed rates to near zero during the pandemic, has since begun raising them to try to tame the most rapid inflation in 40 years. Rates are now set in a range between 3 and 3.25 percent, and the central bank’s most recent projections saw them climbing to 4.6 percent by the end of next year — up from 3.8 percent in an earlier forecast.