TFK Capitalist Thread

Interesting how much US debt Ireland owns. Could we not cash that in at some stage?

Had no idea we were ranked so high.

Fair play to the Cayman Island lads. You’d never hear much about them but they’re obviously working away like demons there… .


That isn’t Government holders, must be some sort of total held in the country figure and it’s just the hedge funds distorting it, Lux, Caymans etc appearing as well

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Sure all the multi nationals would up and leave if we done that.

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Microsoft and Google share prices well down today. Microsoft laid off 1,000 people last week and lots of reports of belt tightening at Google. This could be our new property crash.

Meta down 14% after big miss on earnings

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How’s the MetaVerse doing?

Doesn’t seem to be catching on.

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Tech stocks have been vastly over valued for going on a decade now.

No one should be holding anything with a high PE ratio at the minute

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I’m looking at you Tesla

My shares in IPTV are holding steady :muscle:


China are going to go into a significant recession. A lot of negative headwinds over there now.

Still growing, just growing at a slower rate.

Sure all the large indexes are down 35%+ this year. Pensions have been hit in and around that as a result.

They will recover obviously but it would be a cunt of a time to be retiring.

A long way off a buy imo. For the tech stocks at least.