TFK Capitalist Thread

It means that prices are still rising but at a lower rate of increase.

Yes. Yes. I don’t dispute that.

We won’t even have spuds. Unless they’re organic I suppose.

Because we won’t be able to afford spray to keep the blight away.

We’d be killing rabbits and eating weeds.

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The central bank rate increases are curbing people’s ability to spend, leading to more saving for a rainy day, dampening demand for goods & services & thus reducing the rate of inflation to more manageable levels. Is that it @Appendage? What do you regard as the sweet spot for inflation? I think more than 2% but less than 3%, albeit I’m not a slave to that range.

WeWork basically just rented out really expensive office space, and then sub let it even more expensively.


except not enough people wanted to sub let it. WFH innit?


Garden offices is where it’s at now

It’s strange, I read online that shared office spaces lead to an exhilarating mix of collaboration & creativity. I didn’t foresee this going wrong for WeWork (From Home).

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How does your information security work in those places?

I think it’s 100% paper based. They provide stationery/lever arch files etc as part of the fee & everyone has their own cupboard with individual locks to store stuff overnight.


It’s completely impractical and obviously so from day 1. How the fuck did they reach that kind of valuation?

michael douglas greed GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

A shed out the back

Are house price increases even keeping up with inflation these days. It’s not a good time to be a slum landlord

Better name for it.

Somebody thought of it before me.

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Rented it out from their founder at exorbitant rents …who sold on the underlying properties with worthless leases

What does that mean?

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The Muppets Panic GIF