TFK Capitalist Thread

Can you withdraw when you want or is that for a year deposit or what

Can withdraw at anytime.

Probably an obvious ya, but dirt due on that 4% and if so is that 50%,

Yeah DIRT still applies.

From reading around a bit of a grey area. They claim you are because they place your cash with entities that are covered by the guarantee.



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I’m well well wary of stuff like that tbh.

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Terrible part of the Docklands. The Exo lucky to get An Post

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Salesforce and central bank lucky for landlords to get in when they did. Salesforce could be moved in a year or two I’d say. Does the ballymore new buildings down there have tenants?

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They’ll surely end up converting some of them to apartments. Over supply of commercial seems to be hitting home finally

How easy is it to convert

Not very. Floor plates don’t suit it. Cheaper for building owners to wait it out and get a tenant. Or just hand the keys to the lenders.

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Can’t be easily done. The reconfiguration of services (waste water etc) would be nightmare and cost a fortune.

The new space will be taken up. New builds already slowed right down.

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Central Bank moved into Dublin Landings, didn’t they?

Ronan has Citi for Waterfront Central and is looking to now redevelop the old Citi site at 17 floors.

The government have pitched Coopers Cross for the European Anti Money Laundering Agency.

The problem with this office block imo was that it was completed too soon. This part of town is developing with a shitload of apartments but this was right down beside the Point with building sites right beside it since developed.

How much office space is vacant in the CBD or in the course of construction without being pre let? 3m sq ft?

Very little being built speculatively now.

BNP reckon there will be 250,000 sq m vacant in 2025. Last year about 130,000 sq m was leased so it could be sucked up quickly with any fall in new construction. Again BNP have this falling a lot for commercial (with residential looking to increase).

The question is what happens to businesses who are locked into longer leases from before COVID and who have completely changed their model. You could have a glut of that.

I’d say it will be more like SMEs vacating space so the government need to look at how to convert 1990s and Georgian properties.