TFK Casualties of the Corona Virus

I laughed at that when he said it

Domestic rugby season null and void

Just as it ever was

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Me. I’m gone mad.


Hang in there

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I’m going to have a drink to settle my nerves.

Teachers should strike for a pay rise at the end of this. They’ll get whatever they want

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Are we all staring down the barrel we are?

We’ve never faced anything like it.
Individually we should all survive it but everything is on the table when it comes to the more vulnerable people we know.
It’s going to be bad, the only question is how bad. This could be the World War of our generation.

Don’t worry lads, What we do in life echoes in eternity.
Bet you’re glad now you spent half your days on an INTERNET forum talking to utter crackpots


Theres enough of them on fb looking for work offering support. More supply than demand.

Nurse now theres a public sector pay rise I can get behind

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If everyone stayed on the internet we wouldnt have a problem

I was half thinking about this earlier? Is there a limit to the bandwidth an internet provider can provide? And what are the chances of reaching that as the weeks go by? Might be a very stupid question! :man_shrugging:t2:

Depends what service you have. Fibre to the cabinet you’re 100% throttled at peak times. Fibre to the door you’re pretty much guaranteed your bandwidth

Bandwidth is throughput measurement, the only limit is the speed of the infrastructure.

The extra constant demand may put pressure on the infrastructures surrounding it alright.

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Obviously there is a maximum capacity on the pipes but where you should only really notice it would be a home DSL broadband line with high contention.

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20 million died in WW1, you’re gone as bad as sexface.


Not in terms of sheer volume of dead, but in terms of a global event in which a lot of people will die.

This is our emergency

The Spanish flu that followed killed more than WW1 and WW2 put together

Trump is getting grief for calling it the Chinese virus, but the same people have no problem referencing the Spanish Flu.