TFK Casualties of the Corona Virus

Ya, it’s a shame for them. They’re very well respected round here

giphy (63)

Sorry kid, were you asking me something?

Two I’d work closely with had it. I may have been asymptomatic. And I had it as a young fella

Not to mention the thousands of Italians you were waving into the country.

Spoken like a true bogger

Waving them in from Milan when I can’t even go past Naas

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Spoken like a true hipster.

“Can you take that back and work on the presentation please. I need to see more plate”


You seem to be a bit, yanno, touched mate?

You threw the first belt.

Wrong. I threw no ‘belt’. But I will say that moaning about the price of 'good-ish- food in a ‘great establishment’ is a sure sign of high end boggerism

Did you not get the extra lump of mash on the carvery? Is that the real issue here

Spot on. Lads should be lauding the consistency of the jus or the presentation of the confit. @Fagan_ODowd help me out here…

I knows what I likes and I likes what I knows


The will obviously hadn’t been read yet…

Bring us up to speed @Juhniallio…slowly mind

My bride informs me that Slender gym in Raheny will not reopen

Is this common knowledge? If it is I missed it. Congrats Mick.

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Common knowledge- nearly two years at this point


Oh wow. Congrats. I wasn’t aware you’d wed.

Congratulations big dogg