TFK Casualties of the Corona Virus

If Guinness goes this thing will get serious

Zbigniew Boniek

Bobby Ball. Brown bread.

Never heard of him

Lit up the 78 world cup. is he dead or just ill.

He got the virus. Haven’t heard since. Strong as a horse sure.


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Sligo football

The political polling profession.

17 million Danish mink

Their in fur a surprise

You stole that joke

I always thought if minks made coats they’d be a little furrier.

Now, dont go off on one about plastic - i only use the odd bag for me onions or carrots when needs be … but those loose plastic bags in supermarkets for your fruit and veg - I just cant open them now that I cant lick me thumb … i’m there for 5 minutes running it through my both thumbs and really desperate to put a little spit on the bag but cant … it’s horrific


Be grateful you’re not from Tipp.


Maybe if you stopped shoving it up your hole you could.

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Kerry football.

potentially devastating for @flattythehurdler and his celeb spotting


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