TFK Casualties of the Corona Virus

Dublin Zoo hanging in the balance.

Too big to fail.

Not McClean

Let the animals out to graze free around Dublin. Sace money on feed and solves the on street drinking problem in one fell swoop.

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If you pay peanuts you get monkeys

Just let them all out into Phoenix Park. The deer are there already.

Fantastic news. Wild animals should not be caged or fenced in.

Exactly. Look what it’s done to @Batigol.

Clinging to a vine you could say.

It has been the best line of the second wave…

“You can’t furlough an elephant”

Bravo Christoph Schwitzer

What was the best one in the first wave?

This’ll all be over in a few weeks…

Flatten the curve

What’s Corona?

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The mistletoe

They’ve made a million or so today. They’d nearly be better off staying closed

The Dice Bar

Pubs in Smithfield and Stoneybatter are fucked as the hipsters out there will be permanently unemployed


E bruin

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He should never have apologised. It only made him seem weak