TFK Casualties of the Corona Virus

He had a tough upbringing tbf.

I happened to see Aslan in 2008, I was just out for a dander and didn’t I see a sign outside the hotel stating their presence. In I sauntered and there they were, Christy down on his knees, clawing at the air and generally giving it the works in front of the 6 members of the audience. There was a lad there who had once hit me with a mighty shoulder charge right between the shoulder blades. I was an innocent first year while he was in fifth year. He would have splattered me into the window of the tsb were it not for the angular steel stanchion that took the brunt of my face. I never really pondered the matter much, it was a rotten move that I never saw coming… I suppose it’s a bit too late to seek revenge now?
Pity about Christy.


Are you still here?

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Have you got your English flag ready for tomorrow night?

I got no sympathy then either. But it hurts more now

No room for sympathy horse

Are you fucking joking? It’s never too late. You should have slipped up to the bar and bought a pint bottle, slipped behind the cunt and gave him the (full) pint bottle to the back of the head. Take that!

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Isn’t it mad what kids go through…sure if it happened to an adult there’s be a whole hullabaloo. I feel sort of sorry for my 11 year old self, whatever that heartless @iron_mike bastard thinks

Ain’t my fault if you’re yellow

gotta go with @iron_mike here. better heartless than gutless, no matter how pretty you are :rofl:

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Shure hes the lad who pleaded/nominated himself for an alright sort of the year award just because he had a wee touch of the oul cancer.
You literally couldn’t make it up

Oh dear. The hun is strong in you

I supported your claim. I cant believe you’ve forgotten

he’ll tear your head off and empty his colostomy bag down your neck if you’re not careful.


And you’ve just tried to clamp me with it. You’re like Boris claiming he wouldn’t throw the north to the wolves .

I’m the only friend he has on here. Who else is going to discuss Shakespearean homoerotic motifs with?

And I’ll make sure it’s a Monday morning as I tend to over indulge at the weekend.

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Never, never, never
