TFK Catch Up Thread

same message

for fuck sake @mac, you had to ask didnt you. It was sitting nicely in the other thread.

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Comments aside - what if no one wants to work with the guy now? If they lose sponsorship because of his comments, or if they draw protests at games, constant media pressure and on and on … at what point do you say this isnt working any more?

The issue isnt his religious beliefs - it’s the singling out of other groups in a hateful way - Is there a company on the planet that would allow anyone say ‘homosexuals are going to hell’ and not reprimand them?

Have you a recipe for onion soup handy?

Asking Gay people to repent is saying that it is wrong to be Gay, when in fact being Gay is as normal as being Straight. There is loads of kids who struggle to come to terms with their sexuality. When public figures like Folau make such statements it compounds these struggles.


God created gays but Christains hate them.

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that may well be the case but unless they have a clear legal bsis to terminate then theyre on the hook for the whole contract i.e 4m

Pay him and be done with it.

here is a side of ham to go with it

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Most religions teach that homosexuality is wrong. It goes against the tenets of nature too.

Are people not entitled to voice their opinion on things. I don’t think gay marriage should be legal. Should I be discriminated against on my religious beliefs or should my beliefs be accepted?

Have you an onion based starter you could recommend with that?

should you be allowed to discriminate based on your religous beliefs?

I say no

Just because it teaches that does not mean that it is correct. Are you against Gay marriage solely on the basis that your religion says so.

Not agreeing with something doesn’t make it discriminatory.

Nobody is sticking up for the poor alcoholics over this.

I don’t think they need to be married. I agree with the churches stance, doesn’t mean I have an issue with gays buy I think they need to respect people that don’t agree with it and clearly the gay community and Lib Nazis doesn’t respect the rights of people to disagree with homosexuality.

wanting to deny someone the right to marriage is discriminatory.

You can disagree with someone without saying they’ll go to hell.

They can marry if they want, just not each other. Family is the cornerstone of marriage. Gays can’t create a family.

they absolutely can, through adoption and surrogacy.

Straight question.

Do you think being gay is wrong and that they are going to hell?

When my old gay house mate used to wake me up with the sounds of drunken gay sex coming from his room, I regularly told him I disagreed with it and he was fine with it, once he blew his load.

Gays and straights can all get on.

Adoption are surrogacy can’t happen with the same sex.