TFK Catch Up Thread

67 posts in the last 30 mins. I jump straight to the end to find the Monaghan cohort of @Bandage and @tank calling bluff on the Limerick Galway cohort. This is utterly bizarre stuff

The whole doxxing story is made up. Sid started a fake twitter account, labane shit the togs and made up the doxxing story so he’d still look like an Internet hard man.

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Well lads?

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You’ll be waiting mate. The main protagonists can’t decide what’s happening

Yeah, I’m starting to gather that. Theres only one gig in town atm

353 unread posts in the Shinner thread. I’d better crack open a beer.

I logged in yesterday evening and saw over 600 posts on the Labane thread, looked away for 20 mins and then it was 650! Lads would want to get a life

What have I missed…


Tipp are gone in Munster already.


What perturbs you mike?

I had my fancy dan dinner last night and I decided to have a quick glance on here this morning . I think I’ll cut the lawn now before delving back in

Twice in one summer??!

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Like the silage. I like to get two cuts in

Tame enough here yesterday

What’s going on on the Man Utd thread, I’ve 700 posts unread? Did Man Utd beat Southampton?

It’s gone rogue. It goes off here where you least expect it.


Some unsavory and uncalled for comments about tracksuit. Not worth repeating

Can anyone tell me what is happening?