TFK degrees of Seperation

He also never apologised to me for his unprovoked and vicious attack but I suspect he was only playing up to the gantry.

dont mention the cunts name a 3rd time fagan, you know what will happen

I know Mac and Mac knows me. I also know Fenwaypark and the Dunph’s younger sister who loves the hounds.

You dirty bastard TTK.

I checked out house prices in the Claddagh for my good friend kibman one time. I’'ll be shocked if he moves back to this country now on account of what Rocko did.

I rang SLR back on the heady days of 2006 to get a low down on the sale of heat pumps in the mid west region.

How did I miss this thread? Cracking stuff.

Braz, mate, say hello next time. I’ll lead you down the path to eventually meeting heavyweights like SS**, Rocko, TDB, Bandage, FITC and maybe more.

If you greet me with the secret password, that is.

its ok, dunph is more than familiar with TTK’s daughter

App[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 743313, member: 129”]How did I miss this thread? Cracking stuff.

Braz, mate, say hello next time. I’ll lead you down the path to eventually meeting heavyweights like SS**, Rocko, TDB, Bandage, FITC and maybe more.

If you greet me with the secret password, that is.[/quote]

Apparently I’ve been close to meeting Thrawneen on a few occasions. One of these days…

[quote=“The Runt, post: 743348, member: 181”]App

Apparently I’ve been close to meeting Thrawneen on a few occasions. One of these days…[/quote]

SS has talked you up so much it could only be a letdown.

You’re a fucking spastic, why would I ever apologize to you. Easily the biggest child I have ever met/read/engaged with. That’s completely aside from you pretending to be from another country, your weird child like love of football kits that you admit to still buying, your obsession with a faded football star and finally your bigger than normal Nordie chip on your shoulder.

It makes sense now why Rocko was so delighted when you joined the forum, ye are both awful dickheads.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 743449, member: 273”]You’re a fucking spastic, why would I ever apologize to you. Easily the biggest child I have ever met/read/engaged with. That’s completely aside from you pretending to be from another country, your weird child like love of football kits that you admit to still buying, your obsession with a faded football star and finally your bigger than normal Nordie chip on your shoulder.

It makes sense now why Rocko was so delighted when you joined the forum, ye are both awful dickheads.[/quote]

Because you made violent threats to me. Please don’t draw disparaging conclusions of me when you live in a fantasy land where you are a guru of all matters which are backed up and justified by convenient encounters that have involved you, when you go around sticking it in stumpys and when you have severe aggression problems and social skills.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 743449, member: 273”]You’re a fucking spastic, why would I ever apologize to you. Easily the biggest child I have ever met/read/engaged with. That’s completely aside from you pretending to be from another country, your weird child like love of football kits that you admit to still buying, your obsession with a faded football star and finally your bigger than normal Nordie chip on your shoulder.

It makes sense now why Rocko was so delighted when you joined the forum, ye are both awful dickheads.[/quote]

Just read this after I called totti the same on another thread. A child is really all he is. In contrast to other irritating cunts like TASE and mickee who are at least essentially just pulling the piss, he takes himself awfully seriously too. An utter sad bastard and a complete fool of a man.

You are all cunt bags.

Gee bags

Mairegangaire offered to meet for a date once… I was otherwise accompanied at the time so never followed up.


On another note, when you type thefreekick into google, it comes back with a selection of results including “Kinvara’s Passion is a well-known member at TFK”.

Never heard of him. TFK however is known the world over as an acronym for Thousand foot crunch, everyone’s favourite Canadian christian rockband

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 743449, member: 273”]You’re a fucking spastic, why would I ever apologize to you. Easily the biggest child I have ever met/read/engaged with. That’s completely aside from you pretending to be from another country, your weird child like love of football kits that you admit to still buying, your obsession with a faded football star and finally your bigger than normal Nordie chip on your shoulder.

It makes sense now why Rocko was so delighted when you joined the forum, ye are both awful dickheads.[/quote]
Thats a fantastic post :clap:Welcome back indeed Kev. He’s torn the weird homo dago obsessed Nordie apart here without even mentioning two day old shirts and drawn Rocko’s recent behaviour into the bargain also. Brilliant.

I believe I live very close to Massey but as of yet I haven’t figured out who he is. :popcorn: