TFK degrees of Seperation

ah ok, i thought the poster had just changed his identity.

did you and the runt ever play in any of those interleague games, ye’d of surely come accross him and my brother* at some stage

*not Patsy freyne

What a lovely, good natured thread displaying the wonderful community spirit and camaraderie of TFK.

see the “Threats of Violence on TFK” thread you hapless spastic, its about 48 pages long.
there is a key moment around page 15 where kev does an about face and declares the phonecalls were not made to him but were in fact made to his friend also called Kev who escalated the issue back to the forum thru kev the poster.

And there’s more of it. Lovely stuff.

its all fun and games now
But the football show on OTB will be finished soon, also the australian delagation will be finished their morning commute, hopefully the mood will stay upbeat.

[quote=“mickee321, post: 742585, member: 367”]see the “Threats of Violence on TFK” thread you hapless spastic, its about 48 pages long.
there is a key moment around page 15 where kev does an about face and declares the phonecalls were not made to him but were in fact made to his friend also called Kev who escalated the issue back to the forum thru kev the poster.[/quote]
There are two Kevs? Fucking hell. This really takes me back to Wrestlemania 9 when the appearance of two Doinks caused utter confusion and chaos in the arena. I still freak out just thinking about it.

[quote=“mickee321, post: 742588, member: 367”]its all fun and games now
But the football show on OTB will be finished soon, also the australian delagation will be finished their morning commute, hopefully the mood will stay upbeat.[/quote]
After a pleasant drive down the Central Coast, Fisty will be at his desk soon with his copy of the Sydney Morning Herald, reading the Washington Post opinion section while fighting off marauding huns in kilts. KIB will have had a night to sleep on things. In an attempted demonstration of willpower he’ll no doubt last a couple of hours away from the forum, but by mid-morning the crushing dullness of living in such a shithole of a country will have overtaken him and his fourth permanent departure from TFK will be over. The last of TASE’S drugs from the night before will have left his system and he’ll need something to do. Despite being two hours behind the forumites on the east coast, Kev will be now be already up and out for his morning 10 mile run and dingo wrestling session in the bush. He’ll no doubt be the first to log on on his return.

i rememeber puke giving out about some lad giving a training course he was on and the dirtbird didn´t change his shirt for a few days…i was at a family do and a relative starts talking about being over in bournemouth for training with a financial company he works for…haven´t looked at him the same since…even if it was him or not…

You’re related to Totti?

no…fuck no…

[quote=“mickee321, post: 742588, member: 367”]its all fun and games now
But the football show on OTB will be finished soon, also the australian delagation will be finished their morning commute, hopefully the mood will stay upbeat.[/quote]

There’s few things funnier than flicking on the app in the morning or opening TFK in the browser first thing in work and seeing our Australians have been engaging in all out war overnight. For example, Kev’s meltdown and tirade against Fitzy on the Ausbloodystralia thread before his sabbatical was immense. God speed our Australians.

was that you in the iveagh gardens Poundage??..

That wouldn’t have been me, pal.

It was one of the great INTERNET epic posts indeed Bandage. It had everything, anger, pride, anger, sorrow, anger and it made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Its a template we should all work off.

Did Kev ever get his tools back?

Pissing rain Sid, had a very slow drive down this morning and have to go out now for a few hours seeing clients. Not happy that I can’t contribute more to a momentous day on TFK. I was going to do a protest thing and announce my retirement from the board in sympathy with my dear friend KIB Man, but I’d hate to disappoint. So I’ll stay and give that cunt Rocko shit. Also, I’m waiting on TASE’S advice regarding my vile and heinous acts.

Sleep tight pals.

Kev is a tool.

[quote=“Fitzy, post: 742623, member: 236”]Pissing rain Sid, had a very slow drive down this morning and have to go out now for a few hours seeing clients. Not happy that I can’t contribute more to a momentous day on TFK. I was going to do a protest thing and announce my retirement from the board in sympathy with my dear friend KIB Man, but I’d hate to disappoint. So I’ll stay and give that cunt Rocko shit. Also, I’m waiting on TASE’S advice regarding my vile and heinous acts.

Sleep tight pals.[/quote]

I think this has been the most momentous day of internetting since Arrigles brother arranged to fight Mikey Kelly’s Assassin outside the Spar in Kilkenny or the day Arrigle outed a fella who was hypercritical of him as a sports reporter on the rival Kilkenny People.

Oh the memories!

I dont know any of you kunts. Though I reckon turfcutter passed me in the mart in gort last friday.