TFK Fun Runners Thread 2024

Iā€™m going to run the Athlone 10 Mile on Saturday morning. Iā€™ll be in CenterParcs this weekend with a group of different families & one of the lads is running it to tune up for the Cork Marathon in 2/3 weeks. A marathon based effort type thing for him & I said Iā€™d accompany him on an expedition out of the park.


Best of luck the weekend lads . Tis great racing season in full flight at the moment. And well done @Locke super running last weekend :clap:

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Youā€™re living in center parcs

Savage stuff this evening @Wexford1996

Looney Tunes Running GIF by Looney Tunes World of Mayhem


+1. Well done @Wexford1996. And @tallback on Sunday in the Fastlane half. I didnā€™t make the Athlone 10 mile at the weekend, as my running comrade had a vomiting child in his Center Parcs lodge so couldnā€™t skip away & I was too afraid to go on my own.


Sounds like hell on earth

Thatā€™s 2 blistering 5ks in 3 days ? Super running.

Thanks, delighted with that. Good bit quicker than the 5k Saturday but great course tonight.


Anyone doing the work relay thing in the park Thursday night. Said Iā€™d do it. Did it before, an awful amount of standing around if youā€™re running last.

FAO of running friends, is my watch bollixed for good? Itā€™s mainly freezing on a time & being unresponsive (second pic) or going to first pic (despite being fully charged). Then itā€™ll randomly work again briefly before freezing again. Iā€™ve had it 2 or 3 years, maybe closer to 3. Is that about as long as youā€™d expect from a Garmin? Iā€™ll probably have to buy a new one. I was doing a session last week with some mixed pace parts & youā€™d be lost without the watch. I had my phone in my hand with the Strava app open to be able to see what pace I was running at. Pain in the hole.

I got 8 years+ out of my Garmin. Now, the buttons were hanging off it by the end, but I upgraded earlier this year. It still does work if I needed it.

Iā€™d say google it. You might be able to do a hard reset on it or something.

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Hard reset. If that fails,new watch.


Is hard reset same as factory reset?

Bear in mind Iā€™m a simpleton & am afraid of watches, phones, etc.

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Garmin are meant to be pretty good if you go to them with a broken watch


They sent me a brand new watch when my strap broke but I only had it a year or so at the time


Hold down the power button for 30 secs

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Also if it is fucked . Id contact Garmin. Have found them very good before to replace products even well outside of warranty. My brother bought a watch second hand in the UK before moving home and it was a few years old and they replaced it . Have seen them replace a few more for ppl too.

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Thatā€™s an incredible fun running operation Jack and the lads in The Storyteller seem to have going on a Tuesday evening. Cc @BruidheanChaorthainn @Spidey

Looks like Tinder on steroids.

If @Bandage was 15 or 20 years it would be right up his street fun running around Grand Canal Dock.

The @Bandage of 15 years ago would have been straight to ā€œThe Things That Are Wrongā€ thread to log his digust at the gay lads poncing about in shorts while he was skulling pints with the lads.

A wise man once said, that if you look at life now, the same way you did 15 years ago, youā€™d have just wasted 15 years of your life.