TFK Fun Runners Thread 2024

Thanks for the advice to contact Garmin, lads. They’re sending me out a recertified device for free in return for me sending them my dead watch. I was going to just go online & buy a new one but recertified will do, even if I’m not sure exactly what it means. Not brand new? Maybe a repaired one? I surprised myself by successfully navigating the process, completing the online stuff, printing a pre-paid label for UPS & popping my broken watch into UPS pick up box in a parcel motel type set up.


Yea a reconditioned watch I presume. Well worth the email. And bit of hassle returning the old one. Worst case scenario you buy a new one and have a handy back up or sell the reconditioned watch to offset the price of a new one. What Garmin is it you have ?

I had a Vivoactive 4 so would be happy enough if they sent out another one of those.

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A little bit of exploring this morning

Cc @thelimericks

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Did you go from UL bohs field?
That’s a nice path but it’s overgrown or flooded at various points in the year

I tried going from the Bohs field but seemed way overgrown so went down back of Plassey by Hawthorn House? Turned around eventually when it got too overgrown. Hadn’t ventured down that way at all. Any run where you get a bit of muck on the shoes and legs is a good run. Fuck tarmac.

I tipped up to Dunshaughlin this evening for their 10km & posted a pretty disappointing 46’. Plugging my times for Raheny 5 Mile (Jan), Trim 10 Mile (Feb) & Coolock 5km (Apr) into the trusty race calculator suggested I should have been in the 43’-44’ bracket & you might even expect an improvement on that after the training since.

That said, I’d zero motivation/interest in travelling up after watching the hurling. In addition, we’ve all been sick in the house to one extent or another in the past week or two & are generally a bit fucking run down & sleep deprived but I’d missed a race in May & decided to go along anyway. I wasn’t long questioning my decision when I started pumping sweat during my light warm up.

Flashbacks to DCM 2022 so I said I’d dial back my target pace from 4:20/km and instead set off aiming for 4:25/km splits. I planned to suss out how I was shaping up & not to lose the run of myself in a favourable first half ahead of a couple of steepish hills after around 6km & 8km. Potentially kick on for home then inside the last 2km.

In hindsight, I could maybe have dialled it back a little more to 4:30/km & might have held that better to finish around 45’. As it was, I felt like I was running on empty from quite early on so any thoughts of a fast finish went by the wayside. I was at the revised target pace for around 3km but didn’t feel great & I threw in a 4:38 5th km & was really struggling to hold it together after that. But I limped through the second half & got back down the road to Dublin as quickly as I could. I just wasn’t in the form to head over to The Ratoath Inn.

I’ll take a down week now & then start a marathon training block for Lisbon on October 6. I would have liked to have finished this batch of training with a better effort/result than tonight but so be it.


The orange arrow in the corner there gives you a very cool overview of your run

How are the fun runners getting on? This thread has become dormant! No mention of anyone racing in ages. It seems some of us have either been nursing injuries, lost interest or had life/holidays taking precedence based on a slowdown in TFK activity on Strava.

The likes of @Wexford1996, @fenwaypark & @Rintintin appear to be ploughing away in preparation for autumn marathons alright though. @Mac, are you injured? I always assume someone has a niggle when they’re on the bike. @Locke, @caulifloweredneanderthal & @corner_back tipping away. Not much running out of @tallback & @backinatracksuit ?

I missed practically all of July with a hip problem. Initial prognosis wasn’t great but MRI came back better than expected. Just doing light running on alternate days since resuming running 2 weeks ago & today’s 50 minutes was my longest run in 6 weeks. Lisbon Marathon in 7 weeks is looking less likely by the day - I had to basically abandon my training programme & that would have had me doing a 17/18 mile long run this weekend. The trip is booked & paid for so I must check if there’s the option to switch to the half marathon.


I’ve a physio appointment tomorrow to all but confirm my DCM dream is dead. Had a knee niggle in May and June I couldn’t shift. Followed all physio advice and rehabbed etc. Came back slowly and it resurfaced again. I could run without pain but then walking down a stairs was ridiculously sore. Basically if my knee extended past my toes I was in pain.

MRI has shown up a lot of bruising on the bone and that needs time to heal. Multiple physio checks never even considered that as a thing so glad I got the MRI. I had half thought I’d give Valencia a crack instead of DCM but I’d say now I’ll knock the long stuff on the head for the rest of the year and focus on getting it right. Gonna try do a bit more swimming and cycling to keep the cardio levels up and will see how long it takes.

I entered next year’s Vienna Marathon in early April on a whim last week when waiting for MRI results so that’ll hopefully be realistic.

If anyone is looking for a DCM transfer, then let me know. Window closing in next few days I think


I’m gone to the dogs lately. Not that I don’t have the time, everyone always have the time for a run, I’m just not prioritising it. Need to book something and get back at it.


I’ve lost all motivation for th time being. Just tipping easy miles. Don’t think I’ll do Dublin at this stage or if I do it’ll be at a canter just tipping around the course. Hopefully get back going in the next few weeks and I might target a spring marathon for a change of I can find a reasonable one to get into that’s still available. I need a blow out of a month every year or so .


Sums up why marathons are a bit of a mad idea.

Nevertheless, having decided that two was loads 8 years ago, I stuck my name in the lottery for this year’s Dublin Marathon and got a spot. I run with a a good few who did it last year and got sucked in.

I did 15 miles today. Was running with better lads than me and went a bit fast. Have been wrecked all day.


All going well here, had a few niggles but seem to have shaken them off. Haven’t raced at all recently but doing Frank Duffy 10 mile next Saturday and have Berlin in 7 weeks. Training being going well and have 5 100k weeks in a row which is the most I’ve ever managed. In saying that I struggled badly on long run today. Picked up a number for Dublin too just in case Berlin doesn’t go to plan.
I’m sure they’ll have an option to drop back to the half in Lisbon. You’d be asking for trouble by attempting the full coming back from an injury with no long runs.


I wouldn’t be worried about struggling today. It was very hot and if you’re doing 15 miles already you’ll be fine.


Yeah, I was hoping to get back into more structured training this week & add sessions to the easy runs. But the areas around the hip joint are tender enough - plenty of tight/sore spots on the quads & glutes, probably compensation type stuff going on. Physio advised caution & to maintain the easy running for another bit but can increase the time/distance of runs. I could in theory be jogging 10 mile/half marathon distance in another 2 weeks & could aim to build on that from then to Lisbon. It would just be getting around rather than pushing myself but maybe not the wisest option to do that.

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That peaks my interest. Very flat city. Must look into that one.

Zurich is another incredibly flat, albeit very boring one. The biggest hill on it is a hump back bridge apparently!

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Zürich is lovely to run around. All the tracks down by the rivers and canals. Will be back there in august for a night. Will try to get out, that’s odd I’m not flaahed by all the hitching and walking to get there.

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What’s killing me is god damned plantar fasciitis on my right foot. The two weeks on hols and walking around with no support most of the time fecked it up again big time. Just a nagging bastarding thing.

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