TFK Fun Runners Thread 2024

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Heā€™d have been the greatest rugby player ever

Small man syndromeā€¦

Is anyone here a VI Guide or know somebody who is?

I find that while it can be quite social, running can also be a somewhat selfish activity in a way. Iā€™ve been thinking about this lately a lot. I have looked into doing VI Guide training in the summer (Iā€™ve a VI cousin so I suppose maybe thatā€™s what spurred it on). I attended my first park run this morning as our club was taking it over. Theyā€™d double the normal crowd and the paths were full so I just ran along with a few lads from the club not in a particular rush (most were off the back of a 10 mile warm up). I was caught behind a VI runner and guide for about 1km and decided to stay there (it was too tricky and mucky to pass anyway) and observe it somewhat.

Wouldnā€™t you only be slowing them down?

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As a guide?

Iā€™d not be looking to do it for elites mate! Just slow runners that want to get out!

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I did it a few years ago a few times for a regular at Parkrun , mainly to get some kudos, yer man was bit of a prick and I finished up soon after


Most VI people are pricks.

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Controversial opinion but an element of truth :grinning:

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Brilliant running today @tallback and @Bandage. Two PRs :clap:

I know a fella out this way who is a brilliant mountain runner. He seems to have turned his attention to some road stuff in last six months. Did Dublin in 2ā€™35 or something like that. Went round in 56 minutes today. I nearly puked a little when I saw that


Thanks pal. I sustained 4:30/km but not the 4:26/km race pace calculator target. Iā€™m fairly content though, as it was pretty windy & challenging in sections. 72:49 was still a PB, albeit that was only my second 10 mile race! A hilly segment into the wind from mile 4-6 was testing, some relief for a couple of miles then before a cruel uphill drag into the wind for last 500m to finish. Great running @tallback, you were probably on the road home when I finished. Iā€™ll now await Emmett Dunleavyā€™s wind adjustment factor to get my REAL time.


Delighted with that because I wasnā€™t sure where I was at after an injury disrupted couple of months post DCM.

As @Bandage notes - itā€™s a hillier course than youā€™d expect looking at the profile beforehand and there was a right strong breeze today. Made the middle section a right slog but in particular when you turned the corner for the run to the finish you got walloped unexpectedly. I was thinking Iā€™d try and use whatever but if energy I had to kick for home and found I was struggling not to go backwards.

Good running @Bandage. Youā€™ll surely be happy with those two paces on successive Sundays at the start of the year. A great place to launch into the year from :muscle: Sorry we didnā€™t get to meet up for awkward ā€œIā€™m the guy from the internetā€ small talk


A fellow Raheny chap compared the finish to the travelator on Gladiators afterwards. Iā€™d copped itā€™d be a very tough last 500m when we were heading up that way to the start beforehand. But, yeah, Iā€™m happy with those two races. Thatā€™s the first time Iā€™ve done back to back races over two weekends & fairly encouraging to finish the second & longer one relatively strongly. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ve scope for much improvement though or if Iā€™m close to maxing out. Sure Iā€™ll keep tipping away & see what happens. I havenā€™t any races in the pipeline now so must have a look at that this week.

Very impressive run by you given the injury disrupted post marathon period you mentioned. I wonā€™t reference your ballpark time (unless & until you do) lest some TFK headbanger start stalking you but you must feel well capable of taking large enough chunks off your times across all distances again this year?


He waived all rights to anonymity last summer :sweat_smile:

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Remind me what happened againā€¦:thinking:

Was he on the six o clock news one night being interviewed after a marathon?

Think that was a giddy @Gavrilo-Princip up in Belfast.

Ah nothing major. He was looking for a running route on the North Wexford Riviera and I helped him. In doing so he shared his Strava profile with me and I pointed him to the TFK group. He may have been hesitant to join for fear of the stalkyness you mentioned but he put on his big boy pants and went with it!

Savage running from you both today by the way gents. Very impressive

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It was indeed, unfortunately the editor cut the shout out to my TFK homeboys


Iā€™m presuming after they asked youā€™d how did you get on you started by saying ā€œWellā€¦ā€