TFK Fun Runners Thread 2024

I ran with a lad from the club but backed off a bit when I hit 30 mins. Was happy as could barely hold that pace for a parkrun last week. I saw the Croghan vest flash past me with about 30m to go. You were flying it in fairness to you.


Itā€™s definitely a PB course. Dunshaughlin is meant to be quick too but Iā€™ve never ran it. My PB is from Kilmore down home going back 8 or 9 years.


There was a Dunboyne lad about 20m ahead of me as we entered the track who got an almighty roar from the crowd and seemed as smug as anything so I put a target on his back. I was past him half way down the back straight not realising how much Iā€™d left in the legs and just kept going then. I probably had more in me if I wanted to push but was afraid of bottoming out completely. Never spotted your singlet at all as Iā€™d only eyes for the line at that stage :joy:


Well done lads, cracking running going on this weekend :clap:


Well done @Rintintin, youā€™re building nicely now too

Sound @Mac itā€™s starting to come together a bit. Struggled badly with cramps for the last 5k today a few walking breaks for a few seconds at a time to try and shake it out but couldnā€™t get back going fully again .

Thatā€™s a brilliant run from you, blitz the 10k PB. Fair play. Whatā€™s the plan going forward


Mallow is supposed to be a fast course. Was it busy?

Thank you. Iā€™ve another 10 miler or 10km in Enniscorthy in 2 weeks. Big event for local cancer support centre that would be close to the heart. Beyond that Iā€™ve nothing figured out until DCM and probably half in Ratoath whenever that is.

To be honest I didnā€™t expect to get through this much of 2024 injury free so am half afraid to look too far ahead. Wouldnā€™t mind finding a 5km somewhere to try and do a proper sub 20 but that can be something for May before the longer stuff properly takes over for DCM

Mallow is a great course. The only issue is the town itself is a disaster for parking etc. Itā€™s a fast course. Think about 1250 registered for today . Won in around 50 mins :nauseated_face:

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Thatā€™s a good way to look at it ,there is something special about the sub 20 5k . Iā€™m gonna race away until mid June as much as I can then Try and focus on the marathon for the second half the year and give it one last hell of a rattle. Iā€™d really like to find a 10k in the next month or 2 as my 10k PB is soft and I know I can give it a good shaving. Was only 25 seconds behind it today in the opening 10k

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Not sure how far youā€™re willing to travel for a 5k but the Bob Heffernan in Enfield and the Kilcock 5k are the 2 fastest Iā€™ve done. Enfield one is midweek in May and Kilcock is on a Friday evening late June.

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Both of them were mentioned to me today. When is the Rathfarnham one again? Itā€™s late enough isnā€™t it?

End of September, itā€™s fast too although have never ran it.

Are you getting coached by Evan Scully?

Went to him for some Achilles advice late last year and followed it which was working so then got some running advice from him too which is also working so stuck with it. Being coached would be a stretch but following some of his rough plans.

The best athlete in our club was getting proper 1:1 stuff from him and swears by him which put him on my radar. Heā€™s an incredible source of knowledge for lads like me who get injured a lot

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He is an inspiration.

Iā€™ve a lot of time for him. Met him in person today for the first time and heā€™d have spent hours chatting away. His plans are incredibly straight forward but effective

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Just saw the finishing line video on the socials of the fast finishing @Mac ā€˜s double fist pump as reported by @Wexford1996 earlier. Wexford1996 glancing over & having a little chuckle in the same clip. :clap:t2::rofl:

Well done today too @Rintintin.


@Wexford1996 will confirm that I sent him this clip earlier as the smirk on his face is priceless :joy:

A mutual acquaintance of us both has confirmed heā€™ll get a still shot of the moment framed and put on a wall in a pub in Ferns of @Wexford1996ā€™s choice


It should also be pointed out that I crossed the line, wobbled for 20m toying with whether I should vomit or collapse or both. I got a gentle tap on the shoulder from @Wexford1996 with a ā€˜Well done Macā€™ shout as he jogged past me and straight into a club photo with about 20 other Rathfarnham lads who all looked like theyā€™d just finished a warm up.

Even though I know his name I managed to blurt out the wrong name in response as I fell to the floor gasping for air or water or a combination of both.

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