TFK Fun Runners Thread 2024

You did indeed. Is the mutual acquaintance still running London? Must drop him a text.

They won the team gold after, was chatting to our guy who finished 6th and he was on about 4ā€™ 39 and 4ā€™ 48 miles and said he was happy he managed to do the last 2 in 5ā€™01 when he realised the medal was gone. Different world.

He is indeed. He waltzed around the Great Gorey Run a few weeks back and is building the miles up now. Wonā€™t be running at his best but just wants to get it done. Herself and the kids are going over to see him run it so he just wants to finish it and enjoy the occasion.

I think heā€™s afraid to push himself too much for fear of injury but heā€™ll get around no bother to him

He seems to struggle when he ups the mileage. He should have been easily breaking 3 5/6 years ago but never got a good run at a marathon.

Thereā€™s no more humbling feeling than running the absolute shit out of yourself and emptying to check the results and find youā€™ve finished just below the 450th placed runnerā€¦

Iā€™d say he could surprise himself over there. Heā€™s in great shape but afraid to admit it. He jogged around 10 miles helping others out and did it in 73 mins and could have done another 10 without breaking sweat

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The guy that took our friends number for Dublin ran 32ā€™30 today and didnā€™t even make the team. I donā€™t remember the national 10k being that competitive before. Iā€™d imagine moving it out of Dublin to a fast course helped a lot.


Iā€™d say youā€™re spot on about moving it out of Dublin, specifically Phoenix Park. Iā€™d noticed a fair bit of complaining in the last couple of years about the timing/course profile of races in the park. Talk the OPW only allows certain parts of the park to be used & early in the day too. Folk not bothering their arses to travel up to Dublin for a 10am/10.30am start to run a samey route. Was it last yearā€™s national 10km when they sent runners the wrong way?

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Yeah, made a complete mess of it last year and think they only ended up running 8k.

Donning my hi-vis marshals jacket in the morning for The Battle of Clontarf 10 Mile Leinster Championship in super St Anneā€™s Park. Rio Olympian Mick Clohisey is leading the home Raheny Shamrock contingent. Looking at race entries on My Run Results thereā€™s a big gang from your neck of the woods @corner_back. Think you mentioned the lack of portaloos last year & donā€™t think theyā€™ve rectified that - itā€™ll be a similar set up.

I see thereā€™s one of those BHAA races in St Anneā€™s next Saturday so I might run that - itā€™s a 4-mile/2 lap loop of the interior of the park. Think Iā€™ll stick to anything between 5km & 10km for the next 2-3 months before getting down to a marathon training block.


Nice crowd going up alright @Bandage, including Mrs Corner Back. They all spoke highly of it last year, bar the lack of facilities. Best of luck


Just picking up some litter here* to ensure our park is looking pristine ahead of the pre-race stewards briefing. My morphing into a Soc Democrats community do gooder is pretty much complete.

*and arsing around on my phone.


Possible cheat code: ignore queue for sparse portaloos & go straight into courtyard where cafe toilets might be less busy.

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Disappointed to report some verbal abuse of runners & marshals from those weirdos who keep dogs in their houses against their will & then parade them outside on leads on occasion.


I did the last 10km of the Great Limerick Half Marathon route as part of my visualisation training plan today.


You did the last 9.56km of it, pal.


Good running @Locke , heartrate very nice


Thanks chief. I got my timings wrong and had to call a taxi in order to get home and make a committee meeting. Was a sore buck this morning.


What marathon are you doing? Cork?


Great run. You are getting the milage in.

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