TFK Hated Brands Thread

  1. Pringles.

Disgusting, genetically modified, cancer-causing cardboard shit that look and taste rotten. Any Irish consumer who buys them over our infinitely superior domestic savoury snack foods should be taken out and shot.

  1. Munster Rugby

3 Sunny Delight



I really donā€™t get it. Not a big biscuit man, but they wouldnā€™t be in my top 20

Whyso Mark? Ultra reliable. The good ladyā€™s family are devotees

See No.2ā€¦

  1. Cons- Hipster shite that look retarded. I hate the rubber part over the toes.

Russell Brand

[quote=ā€œMark Renton, post: 822852, member: 1796ā€]See No.2ā€¦

  1. Cons- Hipster shite that look retarded. I hate the rubber part over the toes.[/quote]
    Fuck you cons are class. @Sidney, adjudication please.

  2. Deep River Rock. I fucking hate their stupid ads.

Bank of Ireland?

[quote=ā€œglasagusban, post: 822854, member: 1533ā€]Fuck you cons are class. @Sidney, adjudication please.

  1. Deep River Rock. I fucking hate their stupid ads.[/quote]

Hipster freakā€¦ fuck down the park with your skate board and your angsty mates.

Skateboarders donā€™t wear converse. they wear vans and other fat fuck shoesā€¦

Cons are too mainstream for ā€œhipstersā€ now

Cons are comfortable, versatile, and smart enough to wear on a night out yet casual enough that you donā€™t look like youā€™re making too much of an effort. They are a classic look, but not something that one could pull off under Hilfiger jeans. Stick to your shiny brown slip-ons.

I bet you donā€™t wear laces in them either you fucking freak.

They look fucking retarded, but so do the window lickers that wear them. You glue sniffing cunt.

ā€˜classic lookā€™ :rolleyes: the acne on your face wont be long taking from itā€¦

Chuck Taylorā€™s Converse shoes have been hip since a lot longer than dickheads like Choco Mice have been around.

Why, Iā€™m wearing a pair right now. And Iā€™m in work. Thatā€™s the beauty of them.

I agree on Oreos. Horrible shit.

I believe converse all stars were the shoe of choice of Hunter S. Thompson.

Cons at work?

Civil fucking Serviceā€¦

Only a man-child would wear Cons. They are like something you would buy with your conformation money and laugh about it years later. I remember buying LA gear with mine and criss-crossing the laces.