TFK International Business Travel Thread

i think itll arrive shortly after the iodine tablets

CEO of Cool Planet Group interviewed in the Times. Said in February 2020 their travel bill was 450k, last month it was 1k.
He said the ā€œgenie is out of the bottleā€ in relation to international travel and there will be no going back to it.

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Iā€™ve heard many similar stories but itā€™ll come back gradually. Iā€™ve my first US bidniz trip for almost 18 months in November

Horseshit. People needs breaks from their spouse/spousal equivalents and their children. A business trip is perfect cover for this. It will be back.


There are the odd group of Yanks making their way over here now for business trips. Mad for road.

Time to grow up Brian.


I wouldnā€™t be quite so confident, Biden has just rolled over the ban.

Till when?

Youā€™ll be going nowhere. Sleepy joe doesnā€™t want plague infested paddyā€™s

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The slip ons, the blazer and the yellow slacks will have to stay in the wardrobe for a little bit longer.


Nobody knows. If Biden was named DJT, there would be a lot more anger over it.

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If it was Trump, the left would go mad, though more media outlets are questioning it tbf. I see the NY Times though published basically a press release for the Administration blaming Delta and progressive Twitter are still largely ignoring it.

I know a few people trapped by this ban currently, it really isnā€™t right.

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@Batigol Iā€™ve a question.

My friend and I are travelling flying to Greece from Dublin. My friend is anti-vaxx and has no cert.

The DFA website says that to enter Greece from Ireland he can get either an antigen test or a pcr test.

However, are there any additional requirements on the Irish side? Do you need a pcr test to order a plane in Dublin Airport or will an antigen test suffice?

No exit checks. No test required for the airport

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Thereā€™s very few entry checks either in my experience

1/20 PCR/vaccine certs are checked

DUB to DUS next week.

The world keeps spinning.


@Batigol - flight at 4pm. What time would I need to be getting to the airport? Pre-pandemic Iā€™d arrive around 3pm.

Where are the queues Iā€™m hearing about? Will fast track get me past them?

Go for a wander down the Altstadt and the promenade along the Rhine. Was well impressed in what I originally thought was a typical industrial city.

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At 4pm youā€™ll be grand

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