TFK International Business Travel Thread

Is that a Wexford hat??

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Worse, rubby.

Heavy army presence today. Machine guns on the hotel lobby, and this after you’ve to pass through two lots of security gates with mirrors under the car etc.
Loads of armed army patrolling everywhere. One of the army lads said they were expecting election protests. The recent Dublin boys wouldn’t have got up to much that’s for sure.
Feels completely safe but still have my man saldaf (sp?) with us 24/7
I absolutely love it here. It’s a brilliant place.


Is your ring like a Japanese flag yet or are ya living out of the McDonalds?

Is Saldaf the lad with the tache and the submachine gun?

He is indeed.
Check out these lads from yesterday.

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Whereabouts in Pakistan are you? Looks much greener than I imagined.

Islamabad. Was a drought for a few weeks, then two days rain greened it. It’s snowed in a half hour north. It’s absolutely beautiful weather today. It’s the best place I’ve ever been so far I think. You’d absolutely love it once you’ve a local contact.
I was asked all about Aran jumpers today by a Major General in the army. I promised I’d send him one. He was showing me photos of his family farm, which was quite literally as far as the eye could see in every direction, an hour north of here.
Islamabad is cool. As a local said to me today, “once you get used to living in Islamabad, you could never live anywhere else”.
The most hospitable people you’d ever meet, but I’d imagine you’d want to stay the right side of them.
Hoping to come back next year, but bring herself. The Brigadier lad has promised me he’ll sort out guides and an itinerary to head up North into Kashmir where the three tallest mountain ranges in the world converge.


What’s the grub like?

Wouldn’t it have a bit of everything, climate-wise? Deserts, high mountains, tropics, the works?

(I’ve never been there)

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Swap an Aran sweater for a Kashmir one

Honest question @flattythehurdler are you not shitting yourself?

I mean you’ve an armed guard for a reason

It’s copious. I’m worried about the button on my pants. It’s actually really nice, but they feed you everywhere you stop. It’s middle Eastern with Chinese influence.
It’s like Ireland really, a region which has suffered invasion after invasion. It feels like you’re at the crossroads of the world.

I’m not at all. It feels absolutely safe. Went out for a run one morning and was going to run into the hills, but stayed in the park only because it seemed rude to head off on your own after theyve gone to such trouble. Was met off the plane and the army lads just took us straight through the diplomatic passport channel even.
I’d honestly say they are really similar to us. They love family and friends and like sticking together.
None of them would ever leave if they got a fair shake.
I was sat beside the brigadier at dinner last night in the hotel that got blown up a few years back. They’ve basically now built an outer perimeter hotel. It got blown up powerfully enough to blow out the fish tanks in the lobby even though the lorry got stopped by the gate security a distance out.
He knew all about Aran jumpers funnily enough, and was delighted when I offered to post him one when I get home.
They blame the yanks for everything. It’s mighty.


When you bring it back to basics, we can all relate to the same things


Flat out bad immigration etiquette there

While you’re there, why do Business Class passengers get to bypass the x-ray machine for US preclearance in Dublin? Are they seen as posing less of a risk or something?

No idea. Didn’t know that was a thing


We’ll be lobbying the deptartment of foreign affairs to get Flatty back before the weekend is over. Flatty sending home a video saying the Mujahideen are treating him very well