TFK International Business Travel Thread

I’d say the life partner has him well under the thumb. There will be a reckoning for the family time missed.

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No good in it with my unique lens prescription & sore RED EYES from still wearing yesterday’s. And a selection of today’s Aer Lingus flights back from the mainland are already running a couple of hours behind schedule. It’d be some craic waiting there again tonight til close to midnight. Plus, & most importantly, I want to go for a run.

Probably burned through a months worth of brownie points.

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Brownie points are not like a real currency such as dollar/euro that have slight fluctuations. They are like cryptocurrency. You can be a crypto/brownie point millionaire one day and the next day both can be utterly worthless.


I’m in maccys in Shannon.

Who is the Sam Bankman-Fried of the forum so in that case?


You’re back in Borneo?


Can you not see the huge H&W cranes in the photo?

He’s clearly in Havant and Waterlooville

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get some souvenir flegs while youre there

Borneo is nicer.
Belfast seems to be constructed over an open sewer. It smells bad and it’s the first time in a long time I’ve felt slightly anxious walking around at night as it’s full o feral scrotes. It’s like Manchester 20 years ago, and I suspect headed in the opposite direction.

Off on (technically) another day trip where you get up a little after 4am & back home around 10pm. Please log sympathetic messages here. A 4.45am taxi with an awkward squad member was just what I needed.

“Work trip, is it?”

“Yeah, just for the day.”

“Where are you heading?”


“What line of work are you in?”


[Note to readers: you don’t say banking or lending to a taxi driver]

“I hope you’re not involved in financing them modular homes. It’s a disgrace what’s going on.”

And we were off. We touched on TikTok (the only reliable source of information these days), RTÉ bias, World Health Organisation Treaty & a secret meeting in Killarney, mandatory vaccines, the EU Migration Pact, the Lisbon Treaty, suits in Brussels, everyone in the Dáil should be taken out & strung up on Kildare Street, peaceful protesters can only take so much. A lot covered in 15 minutes really.

Dishevelled Atalanta & Leverkusen fans strewn all over the terminal here.


Those one day trips are a mugs game


The higher ups love sending the gofers and dogsbodies off on them

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Will you need to do a full days work tomorrow after that?

A pure chump move - not even a continental breakfast to show for it

Weather picking up here in Limburg

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If running around St Anne’s Park is part of a full days work then yes, yes he will be


Lucky chaps travelling the world on expenses😜

When progressing serenely towards wind-down & redundancy turns into aggressively “marketing the portfolio” & taking potential bidders around the sites. A series of these trips lately split between us (small team, flat structure @StoneCold :rage:). Not stressful or with huge work pressure, just inconvenient when I could be running around Dublin 5 (cc @Locke) & keeping an eye out for GGA royalty in the local coffee shop. I’ll be working tomorrow alright @gilgamboa but might try to fit my weekend 2-hour long run in what with Celtic-Rangers on Saturday & Kilkenny-Wexford on Sunday.

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The boss is too mean to pay for a hotel. Or else he’s afraid of his shit of the life partner attacking him for being away for a day and a half “enjoying himself”.