TFK International Business Travel Thread

I was supposed to go to Zambia to do a bit of work in a school in April 2020 but Covid put an end to that.


The buses tend to be old and tend not to have Aircon

It’s an absolutely beautiful place, not that you can paint it with the same brush. Anywhere I have been had been magic so far.





Nice place. Liked it there.

Apparently the grub there is off the charts

Great city. Gibsons worth a look.

We go again

god i hate those gates

B Gates is for bus

Surely time for the crispiest pint of heineken in Europe

Off again

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We go again. Bound for WAW @balbec

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Enjoy. Bit cooler today only 22 degrees. You can expect 27-29 there tomorrow.

I’ll be behind in Łódź sweatin me bollix off :cold_sweat:

I’m in San Francisco at the moment and the place is now a complete shithole. Last time I was here was 2017 and had a great time. There is homeless people everywhere, it reminds me of Back to the Future 2 when Biff destroys the city. Walking back to my hotel there and a guy walking with a baseball bat beside me, I think just for his own protection, 2 security guards in my hotel lobby wearing bullet proof jackets, place is fucked, just bulldoze it and start again


My sister just moved from there to Chicago. She’d been there five or so. Very disappointed but felt it was getting rougher and not much cheaper so she packed it in.