TFK Presidential Election Poll - No 2

McGuinness is a man who risked his young life to defend his own community and free them from the horrific shackles of oppression and discrimination. He also played a significant role in bringing about a resolution to the years of violence that had occurred. He is a man that deserves admiration from the sacrifices he made, heā€™s not a self serving cowboy only interested in his own gain, heā€™s a liberator and a man of the people.


Fixing his own mess was all he was doing and whatever about risking his own life think about the lives of the civilians on both sides of the divide that lost their lives due to the hate that his initial actions fostered in a minority of people in Northern Ireland.

Anyhow this is irrelevant as his second preference votes will most likely elect Michael D Higgins at this stage.

It wasnā€™t his mess, the nationalist community had nobody but the Provoā€™s, marginalised and isolated, we will be eternally grateful to the Provos for the social justices and equality these brave men brought about today, many gave their lives for this and hopefully one day their sacrifices will reap the greatest reward of all.

Those that vote for McGuinness and pour scorn on any other candidate for their murky past. ā€œthoseā€ are utter hypocrites.

McGuinness past is not ā€˜murkyā€™. It is noble, it is selfless, a volunteer for Ireland. :clap:

1 . Norris
2. Michael D
3. McGuinness

Ah yes no mention of the horrific atrocities committed by his organisation. Yes I will mention it again. 644 civilians murdered by the organisation he sat on the governing council.

McGuinness and Adams and their unquestionable lust for power as evident now as at any point in their careers. What is the purpose of their sudden interest in the political affairs of the republic?

Why doesnā€™t he acknowledge his past so? Instead like Ahern and numerous other cronies that he claims to be different from, he also insults the electorate by lying repeatedly. If the cap fits I suppose

What lies has he told?

Leaving the IRA in 1974 for one.

Pity that cave your living in has Internet access

Brave and noble men donā€™t set off bombs in densely populated areas with no warnings.

What cave?

You are unaware of the presidential campaign so I presume you are living in a cave.

How am I unaware of it if Iā€™ve been posting regularly here about it?

rubbish WTB is Timmy Dooleys man

Mmcg doesnā€™t even have a vote ffsā€¦ :lol:

did the president for the last 14 years have one back then?

Locke badly exposed

[quote=ā€œWatch The Break, post: 630043ā€]

Locke badly exposed
[/quote]Locke is a prod who thinks itā€™s funny that one of the peasants cant vote. He sickens me frankly. .

:clap: :ireland: :pint: Indeed, he should comfotably beat Martin Mandela into second place.