TFK Presidential Election Poll - No 2

yet you ask what lies mcguinness has been coming out with, strange that :rolleyes:

The one that cast her vote this morning? Don’t know mate. FF candidate too, good stock

yeah, hence why I asked back then. she is from Down, so I dont know if she would have had a vote for her own election in which she was partaking.

I don’t think you understand the concept of war very well and that is the building block for you to see the bigger picture. There have been many atrocities in the Irish fight for freedom over the last 800 years, blueshirts only seem intent on focusing on one era, the era where the need for armed resistance was more prevalent than any other.

Why is it strange?

[quote=“Gman, post: 630048”]

yeah, hence why I asked back then. she is from Down, so I dont know if she would have had a vote for her own election in which she was partaking.[/quote]

Google it Gman because between the two of us we don’t know. I was of voting age 14 years ago (unlike most on here) but wasn’t living in Ireland at the time so don’t know if she voted or not.

Was Dev a suitable president?

There’s a difference between Irish history and the nationalist reconception of Irish history.

to a west brit maybe :guns:


Of all the junctures in Irish history, when armed resistance took place, there was no period more prevalent for it than in the O6 in the late 60’s/early 70’s.

What do you mean by ‘prevalent’? What were ‘they’ resisting?

A Bruree cunt? No

There was never a time in Irish history that resistence was needed as urgently as it was in the O6, during that period.

A state where Catholics were fodder for sectarian loyalist mobs and the people who used the uniform of their illegitimate security forces to wage violent sectarian hatred.

90% certain she did not. Austin Currie didn’t vote in the one previous to that either as far I remember.

Actually it must be questioned if Fine Gael actually value the Presidency at all given the candidates that they’ve chosen over the years: Gay Mitchell, Mary Banotti, Austin Currie, Tom O’Higgins (twice), Sean MacEoin (twice).

Resistance to what? The loyalist mobs? What did that have to do with a United Ireland?

Sectarian loyalist mobs being allowed to run amok under British rule.

FFS. :rolleyes:

The picture Hugh Morgan paid for:

Could somebody now get to work on photoshopping Huey Morgan of the Fun Lovin’ Criminals into the photo?

Rushed job


How does that relate to a 32 county Ireland?